On Thu, 02 Dec 2004 08:57:24 GMT, Adam Challis said: > Being based in Germany, wouldn't they be subject to German and EU law? That's a minor factual detail, and we care somewhere between diddly and squat regarding the facts of the case. ;) The US government of late has shown little moral or ethical qualms about imposing its law and morality on people and actions in other sovereign states, while reserving its right to pick-and-choose regarding its own behavior. Remember, we're the bunch that detained a lot of people for things they did in their own country to repel an invading army (namely, us), and then stuffed them into Guantanamo Bay so that we wouldn't have to actually accord them their Geneva Convention rights as prisoners-of-war. We've also seen fit to skip the whole idea of "habeas corpus" for our *own* citizens (see "Hamdi v. Rumsfeld" and "Rumsfeld v. Padilla") and even the concept that you should be allowed to know what law you're violating (see "Gilmore v. Ashcroft"). So be afraid. Be very afraid.... (OK, you can have the soapbox back now... ;)
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