On Thu, 25 Nov 2004, Heikki Toivonen wrote:
3. Either login if you already have an account, or click "create new
account". Let's assume we need to create a new account...
4. Type in a valid email address and click "Create Account"
5. [mail] Read email that was sent to the address to get password
6. back on in the browser, click "log in here"
7. fill in your username and password and click "login"
[snip the rest of useful info on how to post good, healthy, actionable bug
requiring someone to register to post a bug is harmful in the sense that
you wind up turning off peopl ewho simply can't be bothered to fill out
that info or wish to remain anonymous.
benefits of forcing/encouraging registration include:
- garaunteed line of followup
- reduced spam quantities in bugzilla
- at leasta cutofof "i care enough to ..."
still, you're losing more than you may expect. i know i've failed to file
bug reports (non-security related) for mozilla products due to this "speed
bump". the security@ route is useful, and i'm glad you pointed it out.
this point should be considered by anyone who runs a bug reporting page
for open submissions, you may be doing more harm than benefit.