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Re: [Full-Disclosure] To anybody who's offended by my disclosure policy

JxT wrote:
Oddly enough this is a full disclosure list, your entitled to your
opinion and I'm entitled to mine.  Skylined released something, if he
didn't do it, someone else would have come along.  Since he did
release it, it's out in the open and the claims that this is no big
issue are of course proven wrong.  You can sit in your comfy herman
miller chair and make assumptions about young talented fellas who have
no direction and think the world owe them something. At the end of the
day what it comes down to is a talented guy released information that
helped educate people.  Sure that information can be used for negative
purposes, thats life, deal with it.  After all isn't that why your in
YOUR profession as you quoted in earlier emails is all about.  Perhaps
Skylined released something that may actually make you do some work...

No. Work is too hard. Let me drink some tea and stay in bed. Please.

And yeah yeah yeah, virus this, virus that!  That's why security
professional get paychecks.

Yeah. Let's create some viruses on our own so that we can get paid more?

Welcome to the playground.. Quack Quack..


Question is, do you want to be one of the kids playing and ruining lives, or do you want to be one of the people who report problems and do something about them - plus get attention, respect and all the rest?

The guy has talent? Fine by me. I wish him all the luck.

This is not about full disclosure. I can live with Full Disclosure. I can't like with kids who think they own the world and want to pwn the world.


Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.netsys.com/full-disclosure-charter.html