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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Mailing lists and unsolicited/malicious spam

On 26 Nov 2004, at 08:51, n3td3v wrote:
I was thinking, why are all e-mail addresses not encrypted as soon as
they leave the authors mail client, surely this would stop anyone
seeing the address, apart from the mail client at the other end the
message was intended for. And when a user mails a mailing list the
e-mail address could be read by the mailing list software, but stays
encrypted for the broadcast out to the subscribers of the list.

All you need to do to stop spam is have e-mail addresses encrpyted and
only readable by the person they were sent to. perhaps to make it
nicer, leave the user@ side of the e-mail address showing, but encrypt
the @domain side of the e-mail address.

Well, other than the "minor" issue of Reply breaking...

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