Did you not watch the mess in 2000? The *counties* decided how their ballot would be constructed and how the elections would be run. Now how is Jeb Bush and/or his Commissioner going to influence *Democratic* counties run by *Democrats*?
So when Jeb Bush, Governor of Florida, appoints a State Commissioner of Elections, and drops a hint or two, there's NO way for said Commissioner to make sure that things happen the way Jeb's brother wants them to happen?
Except that state law *explicitly* places that responsibility in the hands of the county election board for *that very reason*.Simply issuing an edict that candidates shall be listed alphabetically (and leaving the rest to the slight "first candidate listed" bias) would suffice unless the Democrats fielded somebody who's name started with 'A'....
Might want to study up a bit - political machines from Boss Tweed to Richard Daley have had absolutely *no* problems in getting the ballot to go the way they wanted....
Paul Schmehl (pauls@xxxxxxxxxxxx) Adjunct Information Security Officer The University of Texas at Dallas AVIEN Founding Member http://www.utdallas.edu
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