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Re: [Full-Disclosure] University Researchers Challenge Bush Win In Florida

On Tue, Nov 23, 2004 at 11:48:37PM -0700, Thomas Sutpen wrote:
> Any sort of impartiality and vested interest in the actual security of
> the whole process that you might have claimed to had was pissed away
> in your very first post on the subject.  The one where you came out
> waving the Kerry flag.  Remember?

Similar comments apply to Paul- and if we are to disdain any
discussion based on even a mere hint of partisanship, they apply to
many more.

The point, though, is that the discussion is valid and worthwhile
and ought not be silenced. The presidential election is one of the 
few official expressions of democracy left open to the populace,
and those who think that that's important will be a little more
paranoid about it, and rightly so. This is one area where I am not
satisfied with a basic assumption that the election is "legitimate
until proven otherwise", and I think you will find many others who
> It is my observation that your thinly veiled concern for the process
> is merely out of self-interest, if not sour grapes.  Your fixation and
> continued posting on the subject does nothing to add to your
> credibility.  And further, it helps perpetuate the stereotype that
> liberals are wackos, nut-jobs, conspiracy theorists, and underground
> members of the peoples' tin-foil hat militia.

You whine about impartiality and then write this?

> Shut up about it, already.

Quite a disturbing message: Just Shut Up and Trust In Your Leaders.


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