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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Why is IRC still around?

On Mon, 22 Nov 2004 17:14:09 -0600, vord <vordhosbn@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> [flame response] firstly, n3td3v is only mad because i happened to ban
> him from #hackphreak ... which is incidentally the current home of
> former/current "members" of [where to begin?] rhino9, w00w00 ... and
> of course, people who're currently employed at CA/ISS/M$/FS/SIDC. the
> list goes on. are we script kiddies or do we maybe like to do more
> than talk about computers all day? you be the judge. anyway, that has
> nothing to do with this list or this discussion and im sure we'd all
> benefit from you, and morons like rap1st, keeping their mouths
> shut.[/flame response]

You never *banned* me from anywhere. You banned a host mask I was
using. I'm still on the channel with an open proxy and different
nickname. Remind the others why you banned me, yeah you banned me
because I was making fun of how lame you all are, and how none of you
can answer simple questions, which don't even need a technical
response, a first year uni student could answer.

All you guys do on the channel is talk about pimps and whores and
other *general chat* stuff. Nothing related to security or hacking is
discussed (and if it is, its in very general terms) that would merit
the name *hackphreak*.

You give IRC and real hackers and phreakers a bad name.

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