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RES: [ok] [Full-Disclosure] Certifications

Good morning friends..

Ok.. I agree about security certifications.

But about networking certifications.. What you think about?

I think is necessary one hard knowledgment in network to do security 

Jose Ribeiro Junior, CCIE #13841
Systems Engineer
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-----Mensagem original-----
De: full-disclosure-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:full-disclosure-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]Em nome de Clement Dupuis
Enviada em: segunda-feira, 22 de novembro de 2004 15:10
Para: 'Scott Renna'
Cc: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Assunto: RE: [ok] [Full-Disclosure] Certifications

Good day Scott,

I totally agree with you that the GIAC's certs are definitively very
challenging.  I have done a few myself and can only agree.

There are only a few points that bother me with the SANS GIAC certification
process.  The first one is that the paper that must be written is done at
home without any supervision.  Does this means that some people will attempt
to cheat, you bet!!  I have done my fair share of grading on the GCFW exams
and we did catch quite a few that had plagiarism or simply copied on others.
However, there are smarter ones who could simply buy their way in and get
someone to write it on their behalf.   The same applies for the exam, they
are web based and unsupervised, which means you have no clue who is really
doing the exam.  Lately SANS has lowered their requirement for their paper,
they are now asking for papers that are a lot shorter, they are targeting
around 30 pages.  I am afraid this will water down the requirements a bit.
You know as well as I know that defining a company security architecture or
analyzing 900 megs of data takes a whole lot more.  I guess the scenarios
will be changed and focused on more specific subset if they wish to really
reduce the size.  

The only changes I would really like to see from SANS would be to have
supervised tests and a written challenge that is supervised as well.  That
would add a lot of value and prove that the person really did the test and
is able to perform within the sphere of expertise that they have learned.
It would be easy for them to add a day to their current conference to
perform testing onsite instead of relying on someone claiming they are who
they pretend to be.

Comparing the CISSP to the GIAC Exams is like comparing fire and water.  One
is very technical in one specific domain while the other if very general in
a lot of domains and management oriented.

Take care


-----Original Message-----
From: full-disclosure-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:full-disclosure-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Scott Renna
Sent: Monday, November 22, 2004 9:48 AM
To: Curt Purdy
Cc: 'Paul'; full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [ok] [Full-Disclosure] Certifications

I would agree with these statements as well.  I'm carrying 2 GIACs(GCIA 
and GCIH) as well as CISSP.  I feel that the CISSP is a very broad 
general overview of the concepts of security; however, there are far too 
many unqualified people attending boot camps and passing the 
examination.  The CISSP definitely helped get me in the door for jobs, 
but if you want some really technical meaty stuff that requires study 
and talent, I would recommend pursuing the GIACs.  Each one of them 
requires that the candidate write a paper and if that passes, you get to 
take the exams.  This way of testing ensures that the student has not 
just spent time memorizing things like HIPAA enforcement.  It's a rough 
journey, but you'll learn alot pursuing a GIAC.


Curt Purdy wrote:
> Paul wrote:
>>While I gotta agree that experience is what counts, what (if 
>>any) specialist certs should a tertiary student, with a 
>>special interest in security, use to underpin their prac?
>>P.S. If I'm too ignorant to warrant a civil answer, like 
>>being told to go to the movies, my apologies in advance so no 
>>flame needed.
> Not everyone on this list are crude brainless kiddies Paul (though too
> are ;) Having said that, let me address your main point.  With a number of
> letters behind my name (will have to drop the CCDA to accommodate my
> upcoming GSNA), I feel qualified to answer your question.
> For some reason the CISSP is considered one of the most prestigious certs.
> I describe it as a river a mile wide and 6 inches deep.  However, I found
> relatively easy to obtain with no schooling required, as were all my other
> certs, except for the GSEC that required an 8x12-hour day intensive SANS
> class (in my case complemented with a co-ordinated national meeting of
> military IS people and keynote by Richard Clarke, who I respect very
> I tell people that you come out of that either scared to death or with a
> brain, two hat-sizes bigger.
> Most GIAC certs are very technical in nature. I describe them as being a
> quarter-mile wide and 20 feet deep. Although I passed the GSEC on first
> the test was much more difficult than the CISSP. That is why I decided to
> pursue my GSNA as opposed to a CISA.  And in that one 6-day class, I
> shoe-horned enough stuff in my brain to keep me busy for months.  Well
> the money.
> My .02
> Information Security Engineer
> DP Solutions
> ----------------------------------------
> If you spend more on coffee than on IT security, you will be hacked. 
> What's more, you deserve to be hacked.
> -- former White House cybersecurity adviser Richard Clarke 
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