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joe the "expert" (was Re: [Full-Disclosure] IE is just as safe as FireFox )
- To: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: joe the "expert" (was Re: [Full-Disclosure] IE is just as safe as FireFox )
- From: Maurizio Trinco <maurizio_trinco@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sat, 20 Nov 2004 12:16:52 -0800 (PST)
"joe" <mvp@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> [1] Don't get me started on MCSEs. As a whole I
think they hurt Windows far
> more than any other thing. A bunch of people who
feel they are experts in
> Windows because they took a couple of tests that 10
year olds could memorize
> and pass and yet still not be able to run anything.
The best I can say about
> MCSEs is that I will *try* not to look down upon
them for being MCSEs and
> let them prove themselves to be worthless before I
assume it in person.
Now from joe's own site, comes this fully untrue
'So what is a Microsoft MVP? The flip response is a
Microsoft MVP is a person who answers the questions
the MCSE/MCD/MCT folks ask.'
My dear Joe,
Let's see what Microsoft has to say about MVPs:
Are Microsoft MVPs experts in all Microsoft
technologies and products?
No. Although many MVPs have in-depth knowledge of more
than one product or technology, none of them are
experts in all Microsoft technologies or products.
So, my dear joe, you are nothing but an ego-inflated
bullshitter. Your verbal diarrhea is only matched by
your unbelievably low level of competence when it
comes to Microsoft products. Being an MCSE is much
more than answering some "how do I send a message with
Outlook" in one or two newsgroups. I worked really
hard for my MCSE titles and honestly, the idea that I
(or any of my colleagues) could seek enlightenment
from you is simply ridiculous. If you think that
passing exams like 216, 296 or the design exams is
something an... er, MVP could do... then you'd better
think again.
While I'm an MCSE, I'm by no means an ass-kisser for
Microsoft, as your MVPiness seems to be. Their
products, contrary to popular belief, could be
extremely complex (try real life business environment,
compared to that unlicensed version of Windows 2003
server you're running at home) and many times
extremely badly written and vulnerable -- but very
complex nevertheless. Saying otherwise, only proves
your lack of specialization (hint: familiarity is NOT
specialization; you may be 'familiar' with your
colorful XP, but that makes you by no means a
Oh, and something else: for some 10 years before I
became an MCSE, I was the typical Unix admin. I used
to laugh at Windows NT, I stopped laughing at 2000.
I'm by no means friends with hip-kiddies who think
Linux is cooler than Window$$$, I really dislike
Microsoft-moronized Windows ass-kissers like you, who
only know buzzwords, but have no real knowledge of the
system. You should go together and exchange some
fanatic e-mails; you belong in a place where
'my-OS-is-longer-yours' fights
Anything else... is just proving yourself how MVP and
not MCSE you are. Or whatever Unix/IT certification
you may choose, other than the ridiculous MVP thingie.
Take care and don't let the bedbugs bite.
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