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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Why is IRC still around?

there is some great stuff developed on irc. have you ever used a cvsbot? I just love those check-in privmsg notifications.

'when all you have is a nail-gun, every problem looks like a messiah'

Danny wrote:

On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 17:10:13 -0500, Tim
<tim-security@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

My mistake; I was referring to the discussion, collaboration, and
creation, not the spread.

You mentioned DDoS attacks below. I don't believe that use is a form of discussion, collaboration, or creation.

Some say we should, but I am not one of those. My point was to get rid
of the most well established tool (and easiest to use) for these types
of activities.

Any tool can be used by anyone for good or evil. If one knows the kiddies are all hanging out on IRC, then you can get a lot of good info about what their new attacks are by loitering on their channels.

What's the difference? IRC is so well established for the type of
activity I am referring to.

As it is established for many productive things. Ever check out freenode?

I'll leave the piracy battle for someone else - I just mentioned it as
a part of the problem.

If you aren't prepared to defend it on this list, better not mention it. =)

Sure netcat is an alternative, but which one is easier to use?

Um... netcat, or raw tcp sockets. I would argue it is easier to write something that just opens a connection, and listens for commands to come back, than something that has to speak IRC. Speaking IRC has its own advantages, but in the absence of it, it is still trivial to manage a bot net.

I thought I would throw out the idea. If you want to call me a troll,
then so be it, but don't get your panties in a knot over the whole

Pardon my harsh reply. It wasn't personal, and is directed only at your reasoning. It is a similar reasoning that leads to the slippery slope toward censorship.

No worries. Case closed. :)


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