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[Full-Disclosure] Re: [Full-Dev-Server] Time Expiry Alogorithm??

interesting question
presumably there would have to be a time stamp as part of the sig which if 
it was too old then the message would get discarded
you would have to hash the time as otherwise it would be open to spoofing
think kerberos has this facitlity but it tends to be **MUCH** tighter 
(matter of mins by default to allow for slew) and is used to stop replay 

full-disclosure-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote on 19/11/2004 07:39:19:

> Hi List,
> I was just wondering is there any encrytpion alogortim which expires 
with time. 
> For example an email message maybe decrypted withing 48 hours of its
> delivery otherwise it become usless or cant be decrypted with the
> orignal key
> Gautam
> -- 
> Gautam R. Singh
> http://gautam.techwhack.com
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