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Re: FW: [Full-Disclosure] Shadowcrew Grand Jury Indictment

On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 13:29:19 -0700 (MST), Bruce Ediger
<eballen1@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Unfortunately, the US Government operates under the auspices of a small
> document called "The Constitution", and a little concept called "Common Law".
> Now, I know that you trendy kids call things like that "quaint" (I believe
> that's what our new Attorney general calls things like the Geneva Convention.
> See 
> http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2004/06/13/wguan13.xml&sSheet=/news/2004/06/13/ixworld.html)
> but fortunately for the rest of us, "presumption of innocence" remains
> the standard of the land.
> If you small-minded totalitarians don't like that sacred principle, get
> the hell out of the US.  We don't need your kind. Move to some Banana
> Republic where they change the rules all the time in the face of 1000
> years of tradition and philosophy and the Blood of Patriots who died to
> protect these rights.
> "Zero tollerence".  What will these doofuses think of next?  I bet they
> start up a cult of personality around the nation's leader, including a
> new salute borrowed from the Romans.

I don't live in the U.S thankfully, I live in a sane country called the U.K

Would you agree with closing down a site that was letting child
abusers to post links to illegal child porn photographs? Would the
site owner be able to say, we aren't involved with any of these links,
we just provide the site for the criminals to do it, so other child
abusers can get links easy to child porn photos.

But no, when we move onto online malicious hacker crimes, its ok for
sites, such as zone-h, which allows malicious hackers to post links
for other hackers to get a kick over, just like a child abuser would
by visiting a child porn photo.

Imagine a child abuse site which also kept a score board of the
biggest amount of child porn photo posters. Yet again we move onto
malicious hacker online crimes, it seems to be different for zone-h to
keep scores of the biggest malicious hacker defacement posters.

Why one rule for one online crime promotion site and not the same rule
for another online crime promotion site? I guess you would allow a
child porn promotion site, like you think its ok for zone-h to be
online promoting online malicious hacking and not closed down.


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