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RE: [Full-Disclosure] IE is just as safe as FireFox


> Use SUS to install XP SP2 to 14,000 Windows 2000 machines? 
> Somehow I think that will be problematic.
Don't forget you have to be on a certain service pack to use SUS for
Windows 2000, then change GPO to push the AU changes to each machine to
even use SUS..and if you are a admin access, it isn't totally slient.
Explain that to non-geek users. Since SUS is free, you can what you pay
for...since it over and over again.

> Replace the SHDOCVW.DLL with the XP SP2 version? On Windows 
> 2000 machines?
> And what about the practical problems getting round Windows 
> File Protection? On 14,000 machines? Do you want to come in 
> here and try what you suggest?
SP2 breaks stuff..we all forget so fast. Compaines have old apps and
some will be broken by SP2, but of course Microsoft will only release
post-SP2 IE fixes..so they tell us to not rush SP2 and then only release
updates for post-SP2. Great...good job. Ohh..and the handing of the GDI
exploit..that was worthy of a billion dollar company.


>              "Rafel Ivgi,                                     
>              The-Insider"                                     
>              <theinsider@xxxxx                                
>           To 
>              et.il>                    
> <full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, 
> <Colin.Scott@xxxxxxxxx>             
>              12/11/2004 14:08                                 
>           cc 
>      Subject 
>                                        Re: [Full-Disclosure] 
> IE is just as 
>                                        safe as FireFox        
> If you do have 14000 machines why don't you buy "Finjan's 
> Vital Security For Web"?
> It will filter all malicious I.E exploits for all its 
> surfers(its a proxy, quite fast...)
> Or just use SUS(system update server (microsoft)) just like 
> any other administrator... to install sp2 or to just replace 
> the c:\windows\system32\shdocvw.dll with the patched one or with
> sp2
> one...
> Rafel Ivgi, The-Insider
> Security Consultant
> Malicious Code Research Center (MCRC)
> Finjan Software LTD
> E-mail: rivgi@xxxxxxxxxx
> ---------------------------------
> Prevention is the best cure!
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <Colin.Scott@xxxxxxxxx>
> To: <full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Friday, November 12, 2004 12:46 PM
> Subject: Re: [Full-Disclosure] IE is just as safe as FireFox
> Oh yeah, I've got 14,000 Windows 2000 machines to update to 
> windows XP SP2, hang on wheres that CD?
> So thanks for your infinate wisdom there Rafel.
> Colin.
>             "Rafel Ivgi,
> The-Insider"
> <theinsider@xxxxx                                          To
> et.il>                    <full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent by:                                                   cc
> full-disclosure-a
> dmin@xxxxxxxxxxxx                                     Subject
> .com                      Re: [Full-Disclosure] IE is just as
> safe as FireFox
> 12/11/2004 06:44
> That is incorrect, there is a fix --> SP2.
> Users  should use the latest updated system, meaning if there 
> is an SP2, they should install it.
> Rafel Ivgi, The-Insider
> Security  Consultant
> Malicious Code Research Center (MCRC)
> Finjan Software  LTD
> E-mail: rivgi@xxxxxxxxxx
> ---------------------------------
> Prevention  is the best cure!
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Martin Mkrtchian"  <dotsecure@xxxxxxxxx>
> To: "Todd Towles" <toddtowles@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Cc: "Mailing List -  Full-Disclosure" 
> <full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>;
> <ring-of-fire@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Friday,  November 12, 2004 3:03 AM
> Subject: Re: [Full-Disclosure] IE is just as safe  as FireFox
> > They should've at least released that statement after  they 
> fixed the 
> > IE FRAME vulnerability. 0 day exploit is in the wild and  
> no fix for 
> > it, yet they claim its secure enough.
> >
> > If the  programmers are as smart as the company press 
> releasers, I can
> > see   why I.E. still sux.
> >
> >
> > Martin
> >
> >
> > On  Thu, 11 Nov 2004 15:59:20 -0600, Todd Towles 
> > <toddtowles@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >> Microsoft's  security and mangement product manager (Ben English)
> says...
> >>
> >> At a security roundtable discussion in Sydney on  Thursday, Ben 
> >> English, Microsoft's security and management product  
> manager, told 
> >> attendees
> that
> >> IE undergoes "rigorous code reviews"  and is no less 
> secure than any 
> >> other  browser.
> >>
> >> "Because IE is ubiquitous, you hear a lot more  about it, 
> but I don't 
> >> think that Internet Explorer is any less  secure than any other 
> >> browser out there," English  said.
> >>
> >> 
> http://news.com.com/Microsoft+says+Firefox+not+a+threat+to+IE/2100-10
> >> 32_
> >>  3-5448719.html?part=dht&tag=ntop&tag=nl.e433
> >>
> >> Can  anyone say IFRAME? Lol
> >>
> >> -Todd
> >>
> >>  _______________________________________________
> >> Full-Disclosure - We  believe in it.
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> >
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> > Full-Disclosure - We  believe in it.
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