Randall Perry responded to some other guy... uh.. wossname... > Quoting Exibar <exibar@xxxxxxxxxxx>: yeah, that's him: > > Let me challenge YOU. Prove that my vote did not count. > > Show me absolute, proof beyond a doubt that > > my vote did not count. > > If you cannot prove that my vote did not count, then you STFU. > > > > Exibar > > I don't know about _your_ vote specifically, but I do know > for fact of some votes that did _not_ get tallied. Uh, how about the fact that in the US Presidential election... THE POPULAR VOTE DOESN'T COUNT Sure, your representatives are telling you that they'll vote the way the popular vote goes, but they don't have to. Only the electoral vote counts. That's why this whole discussion is freaking moot. Now please return to the usual Windows sux0rs, L1nU>< R@xZ0hrs discussion.
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