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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Fw: Case ID 18941657 - Notice of Claimed Infringement
- To: "Jason Coombs" <jasonc@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [Full-Disclosure] Fw: Case ID 18941657 - Notice of Claimed Infringement
- From: 3APA3A <3APA3A@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2004 13:10:10 +0300
Dear Jason Coombs,
As far as I know US legislation, according to CAN SPAM act you can get
$250 from MPAA for each message you receive because they didn't
unsubscribe you on your request. Contact your lawyer. You can make a
business :)
--Tuesday, November 9, 2004, 8:28:52 AM, you wrote to
JC> Anyone know how to convince the MPAA that they have received
JC> incorrect information from ARIN ?
JC> Telling them over and over again doesn't seem to work, and now
JC> their litigation spam is getting tiresome.
JC> Jason Coombs
JC> -----Original Message-----
JC> From: MPAACopyright <MPAA@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
JC> Date: Mon, 08 Nov 2004 23:28:03
JC> To:Jason Coombs <jasonc@xxxxxxxxxxx>
JC> Subject: Case ID 18941657 - Notice of Claimed Infringement
JC> Anti-Piracy Operations
JC> PHONE: (818) 728 - 8127
JC> Email: MPAA@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:MPAA@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
JC> Monday, November 08, 2004
JC> Name: Jason Coombs
JC> ISP: Cybercom
JC> Via Fax/Email
JC> RE: Unauthorized Use of Copyrighted Motion Pictures
JC> Reference#: 18941657 (M)
JC> IP Address:
JC> Date of Infringement: 7 Nov 2004 13:30:35 EST (GMT -0500)
JC> Dear Jason Coombs:
JC> The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) represents the
JC> following motion picture production and distribution companies:
JC> Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc.
JC> Disney Enterprises, Inc.
JC> Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc.
JC> Paramount Pictures Corporation
JC> TriStar Pictures, Inc.
JC> Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation
JC> United Artists Pictures, Inc.
JC> United Artists Corporation
JC> Universal City Studios, LLLP
JC> Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
JC> We have received information that, at the above noted date and
JC> time, the IP address was used to offer or to materially
JC> contribute to the offering of downloadable or streaming copies of
JC> copyrighted motion pictures. The title(s) offered included:
JC> Specifically, we have identified the following material as infringing:
JC> ------------------------------
JC> Infringement Detail:
JC> Infringing Work: NOTEBOOK, THE
JC> Filename: [TMD]The.Notebook.(VideoCD).TS.(1of3).avi
JC> First Found: 7 Nov 2004 13:30:32 EST (GMT -0500)
JC> Last Found: 7 Nov 2004 13:30:32 EST (GMT -0500)
JC> Filesize: 79,918k
JC> IP Address:
JC> IP Port: 3383
JC> Internal IP:
JC> Network: KaZaA
JC> Protocol: FastTrack
JC> Username: t-bone6537@KaZaA
JC> Infringing Work: NOTEBOOK, THE
JC> Filename: [TMD]The.Notebook.(VideoCD).TS.(2of3).avi
JC> First Found: 7 Nov 2004 13:30:35 EST (GMT -0500)
JC> Last Found: 7 Nov 2004 13:30:35 EST (GMT -0500)
JC> Filesize: 96,616k
JC> IP Address:
JC> IP Port: 3383
JC> Internal IP:
JC> Network: KaZaA
JC> Protocol: FastTrack
JC> Username: t-bone6537@KaZaA
JC> Infringing Work: NOTEBOOK, THE
JC> Filename: [TMD]The.Notebook.(VideoCD).TS.(3of3).avi
JC> First Found: 7 Nov 2004 13:30:30 EST (GMT -0500)
JC> Last Found: 7 Nov 2004 13:30:30 EST (GMT -0500)
JC> Filesize: 84,736k
JC> IP Address:
JC> IP Port: 3383
JC> Internal IP:
JC> Network: KaZaA
JC> Protocol: FastTrack
JC> Username: t-bone6537@KaZaA
JC> We believe this information should prove sufficient for you to
JC> locate the material complained about herein; however, please don't
JC> hesitate to contact us with any questions or clarification requests
JC> you may have.
JC> The unauthorized distribution or public performance of
JC> copyrighted motion pictures constitutes copyright infringement under
JC> the Copyright Act, Title 17 United States Code Section 106(3)-(4).
JC> This conduct may also violate the laws of other countries,
JC> international law, and/or treaty obligations.
JC> As the owner of this IP address, we request that you immediately do the
JC> 1. Notify the end user of the infringement(s).
JC> 2. Remove or disable access to the material identified above.
JC> 3. Take appropriate action against the account holder under
JC> your Abuse Policy/Terms of Service Agreement.
JC> On behalf of the respective owners of the exclusive rights to
JC> the copyrighted material at issue in this notice, we hereby state,
JC> pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, Title 17 United
JC> States Code Section 512, that the information in this notification
JC> is accurate and that we have a good faith belief that use of the
JC> material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the
JC> copyright owners, their respective agents, or the law.
JC> Also pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, we
JC> hereby state, under penalty of perjury, that we are authorized to
JC> act on behalf of the owners of the exclusive rights being infringed
JC> as set forth in this notification.
JC> Please contact us at the above listed address or by replying to
JC> this email should you have any questions. Kindly include the above
JC> noted Reference Number 18941657 in the subject line of all email
JC> correspondence.
JC> IMPORTANT: If you are the account holder in receipt of this
JC> Notice and you wish to respond, please address all correspondence to
JC> dmca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Please be sure to include the Reference Number
JC> 18941657 in all communications.
JC> We thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Your prompt response is
JC> Respectfully,
JC> Motion Picture Association of America
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