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[Full-Disclosure] Blackbox: Elections fraud in 2004
- To: antisocial@xxxxxxx
- Subject: [Full-Disclosure] Blackbox: Elections fraud in 2004
- From: "J.A. Terranson" <measl@xxxxxxx>
- Date: Sun, 7 Nov 2004 16:09:03 -0600 (CST)
BREAKING -- SUNDAY Nov. 7 2004: Freedom of Information requests at
http://www.blackboxvoting.org have unearthed two Ciber certification
reports indicating that security and tamperability was NOT TESTED and that
several state elections directors, a secretary of state, and computer
consultant Dr. Britain Williams signed off on the report anyway,
certifying it.
Black Box Voting has taken the position that fraud took place in the 2004
election through electronic voting machines. We base this on hard
evidence, documents obtained in public records requests, inside
information, and other data indicative of manipulation of electronic
voting systems. What we do not know is the specific scope of the fraud. We
are working now to compile the proof, based not on soft evidence -- red
flags, exit polls -- but core documents obtained by Black Box Voting in
the most massive Freedom of Information action in history.
SUNDAY Nov. 7 2004: We.re awaiting independent analysis on some pretty
crooked-looking elections. In the mean time, here.s something to chew on.
Your local elections officials trusted a group called NASED -- the
National Association of State Election Directors -- to certify that your
voting system is safe.
This trust was breached.
NASED certified the systems based on the recommendation of an .Independent
Testing Authority. (ITA).
What no one told local officials was that the ITA did not test for
security (and NASED didn.t seem to mind).
The ITA reports are considered so secret that even the California
Secretary of State.s office had trouble getting its hands on one. The ITA
refused to answer any questions about what it does. Imagine our surprise
when, due to Freedom of Information requests, a couple of them showed up
in our mailbox.
The most important test on the ITA report is called the .penetration
analysis.. This test is supposed to tell us whether anyone can break into
the system to tamper with the votes.
.Not applicable,. wrote Shawn Southworth, of Ciber Labs, the ITA that
tested the Diebold GEMS central tabulator software. .Did not test..
Shawn Southworth .tested. whether every candidate on the ballot has a
name. But we were shocked to find out that, when asked the most important
question -- about vulnerable entry points -- Southworth.s report says .not
Ciber .tested.whether the manual gives a description of the voting
system. But when asked to identify methods of attack (which we think the
American voter would consider pretty important), the top-secret report
says .not applicable..
Ciber .tested. whether ballots comply with local regulations, but when Bev
Harris asked Shawn Southworth what he thinks about Diebold tabulators
accepting large numbers of .minus. votes, he said he didn.t mention that
in his report because .the vendors don.t like him to put anything
negative. in his report. After all, he said, he is paid by the vendors.
Shawn Southworth didn.t do the penetration analysis, but check out what he
.Ciber recommends to the NASED committee that GEMS software version
1.18.15 be certified and assigned NASED certification number
Was this just a one-time oversight?
Nope. It appears to be more like a habit. Here is the same Ciber
certification section for VoteHere; as you can see, the critical security
test, the .penetration analysis. was again marked .not applicable. and was
not done.
Maybe another ITA did the penetration analysis?
Apparently not. We discovered an even more bizarre Wyle Laboratories
report. In it, the lab admits the Sequoia voting system has problems, but
says that since they were not corrected earlier, Sequoia could continue
with the same flaws. At one point the Wyle report omits its testing
altogether, hoping the vendor will do the test.
Computer Guys: Be your own ITA certifier.
Here is a copy of the full Ciber report (part 1, 2, 3, 4) on GEMS 1.18.15.
Here is a zip file download for the GEMS 1.18.15 program. Here is a real
live Diebold vote database. Compare your findings against the official
testing lab and see if you agree with what Ciber says. E-mail us your
TIPS: The password for the vote database is .password. and you should
place it in the .LocalDB. directory in the GEMS folder, which you.ll find
in .program files..
Who the heck is NASED?
They are the people who certified this stuff.
You.ve gotta ask yourself: Are they nuts? Some of them are computer
experts. Well, it seems that several of these people suddenly want to
retire, and the whole NASED voting systems board is becoming somewhat
defunct, but these are the people responsible for today's shoddy voting
If the security of the U.S. electoral system depends on you to certify a
voting system, and you get a report that plainly states that security was
.not tested. and .not applicable. -- what would you do?
Perhaps we should ask them. Go ahead. Let's hold them accountable for the
election we just had. (Please, e-mail us their answers) They don't make it
very easy to get their e-mail and fax information; when you find it, let
us know and we'll post it here.
Thomas R. Wilkey, Executive Director, New York State Board of Elections
David Elliott, (former) Asst. Director of Elections, Washington State
James Hendrix, Executive Director, State Election Commission, South
Denise Lamb, Director, State Bureau of Elections, New Mexico
Sandy Steinbach, Director of Elections, Iowa
Donetta Davidson, Secretary of State, Colorado
Connie Schmidt, Commissioner, Johnson County Election Commission, Kansas
(the late) Robert Naegele, President Granite Creek Technology, Pacific
Grove, California
Brit Williams, Professor, CSIS Dept, Kennesaw State College, Georgia
Paul Craft, Computer Audit Analyst, Florida State Division of Elections
Steve Freeman, Software Consultant, League City, Texas
Jay W. Nispel, Senior Principal Engineer, Computer Sciences Corporation
Annapolis Junction, Maryland
Yvonne Smith (Member Emeritus), Former Assistant to the Executive Director
Illinois State Board of Elections, Illinois
Penelope Bonsall, Director, Office of Election Administration, Federal
Election Commission, Washington, D.C.
Committee Secretariat: The Election Center, R. Doug Lewis, Executive
Director Houston, Texas, Tele: 281-293-0101
# # # # #
THURSDAY Nov. 4 2004: If you are concerned about what happened Tuesday,
Nov. 2, you have found a home with our organization. Help America Audit.
Black Box Voting has taken the position that fraud took place in the 2004
election through electronic voting machines. We base this on hard
evidence, documents obtained in public records requests, inside
information, and other data indicative of manipulation of electronic
voting systems. What we do not know is the specific scope of the fraud. We
are working now to compile the proof, based not on soft evidence -- red
flags, exit polls -- but core documents obtained by Black Box Voting in
the most massive Freedom of Information action in history.
We need: Lawyers to enforce public records laws. Some counties have
already notified us that they plan to stonewall by delaying delivery of
the records. We need citizen volunteers for a number of specific actions.
We need computer security professionals willing to GO PUBLIC with formal
opinions on the evidence we provide, whether or not it involves DMCA
complications. We need funds to pay for copies of the evidence.
TUESDAY Nov 2 2004: BREAKING NEWS: New information indicates that hackers
may have targeted the central computers that are counting our votes.
Freedom of Information requests are not free. We need to raise $50,000 as
quickly as possible to pay for records and the fees some states charge for
them. We launched one major FOIA action last night, and have two more on
the way, pell-mell. Now is the time. If you can't donate funds, please
donate time. E-mail to join the Cleanup Crew.
Important: Watch this 30-minute film clip
Voting without auditing. (Are we insane?)
SEATTLE, WASHINGTON Nov 3 2004 -- Did the voting machines trump exit
polls? There.s a way to find out.
Black Box Voting (.ORG) is conducting the largest Freedom of Information
action in history. At 8:30 p.m. Election Night, Black Box Voting blanketed
the U.S. with the first in a series of public records requests, to obtain
internal computer logs and other documents from 3,000 individual counties
and townships. Networks called the election before anyone bothered to
perform even the most rudimentary audit.
America: We have permission to say No to unaudited voting. It is our
Among the first requests sent to counties (with all kinds of voting
systems -- optical scan, touch-screen, and punch card) is a formal records
request for internal audit logs, polling place results slips, modem
transmission logs, and computer trouble slips.
An earlier FOIA is more sensitive, and has not been disclosed here. We
will notify you as soon as we can go public with it.
Such a request filed in King County, Washington on Sept. 15, following the
primary election six weeks ago, uncovered an internal audit log containing
a three-hour deletion on election night; .trouble slips. revealing
suspicious modem activity; and profound problems with security, including
accidental disclosure of critically sensitive remote access information to
poll workers, office personnel, and even, in a shocking blunder, to Black
Box Voting activists.
Black Box Voting is a nonpartisan, nonprofit consumer protection group for
elections. You may view the first volley of public records requests here:
Freedom of Information requests here
Responses from public officials will be posted in the forum, is organized
by state and county, so that any news organization or citizens group has
access to the information. Black Box Voting will assist in analysis, by
providing expertise in evaluating the records. Watch for the records
online; Black Box Voting will be posting the results as they come in. And
by the way, these are not free. The more donations we get, the more FOIAs
we are empowered to do. Time's a'wasting.
We look forward to seeing you participate in this process. Join us in
evaluating the previously undisclosed inside information about how our
voting system works.
Play a part in reclaiming transparency. It.s the only way.
# # # # #
Public Records Request - November 2, 2004
From: Black Box Voting
To: Elections division
Pursuant to public records law and the spirit of fair, trustworthy,
transparent elections, we request the following documents.
We are requesting these as a nonprofit, noncommercial group acting in the
capacity of a news and consumer interest organization, and ask that if
possible, the fees be waived for this request. If this is not possible,
please let us know which records will be provided and the cost. Please
provide records in electronic form, by e-mail, if possible -
We realize you are very, very busy with the elections canvass. To the
extent possible, we do ask that you expedite this request, since we are
conducting consumer audits and time is of the essence.
We request the following records.
Item 1. All notes, emails, memos, and other communications pertaining to
any and all problems experienced with the voting system, ballots, voter
registration, or any component of your elections process, beginning
October 12, through November 3, 2004.
Item 2. Copies of the results slips from all polling places for the Nov.
2, 2004 election. If you have more than one copy, we would like the copy
that is signed by your poll workers and/or election judges.
Item 3: The internal audit log for each of your Unity, GEMS, WinEds, Hart
Intercivic or other central tabulating machine. Because different
manufacturers call this program by different names, for purposes of
clarification we mean the programs that tally the composite of votes from
all locations.
Item 4: If you are in the special category of having Diebold equipment, or
the VTS or GEMS tabulator, we request the following additional audit logs:
a. The transmission logs for all votes, whether sent by modem or uploaded
directly. You will find these logs in the GEMS menu under .Accuvote OS
Server. and/or .Accuvote TS Server.
b. The .audit log. referred to in Item 3 for Diebold is found in the GEMS
menu and is called .Audit Log.
c. All .Poster logs.. These can be found in the GEMS menu under .poster.
and also in the GEMS directory under Program Files, GEMS, Data, as a text
file. Simply print this out and provide it.
d. Also in the Data file directory under Program Files, GEMS, Data, please
provide any and all logs titled .CCLog,. .PosterLog., and Pserver Log, and
any logs found within the .Download,. .Log,. .Poster. or .Results.
e. We are also requesting the Election Night Statement of Votes Cast, as
of the time you stopped uploading polling place memory cards for Nov. 2,
2004 election.
Item 5: We are requesting every iteration of every interim results report,
from the time the polls close until 5 p.m. November 3.
Item 6: If you are in the special category of counties who have modems
attached, whether or not they were used and whether or not they were
turned on, we are requesting the following:
a. internal logs showing transmission times from each voting machine used
in a polling place
b. The Windows Event Viewer log. You will find this in administrative
tools, Event Viewer, and within that, print a copy of each log beginning
October 12, 2004 through Nov. 3, 2004.
Item 7: All e-mails, letters, notes, and other correspondence between any
employee of your elections division and any other person, pertaining to
your voting system, any anomalies or problems with any component of the
voting system, any written communications with vendors for any component
of your voting system, and any records pertaining to upgrades,
improvements, performance enhancement or any other changes to your voting
system, between Oct. 12, 2004 and Nov. 3, 2004.
Item 8: So that we may efficiently clarify any questions pertaining to
your specific county, please provide letterhead for the most recent
non-confidential correspondence between your office and your county
counsel, or, in lieu of this, just e-mail us the contact information for
your county counsel.
Because time is of the essence, if you cannot provide all items, please
provide them in increments as soon as you have them, and please notify us
by telephone (206-335-7747) or email (Bevharrismail@xxxxxxx) as soon as
you have any portion of the above public records request available for
Thank you very much, and here.s hoping for a smooth and simple canvass
which works out perfectly for you. We very, very much appreciate your help
with this, and we do realize how stressful this election has been.
If you need a local address, please let me know, and we will provide a
local member for this public records request. In the interest of keeping
your life simple, we thought it best to coordinate all records through one
entity so that you don.t get multiple local requests.
# # # # #
We now have evidence that certainly looks like altering a computerized
voting system during a real election, and it happened just six weeks ago.
MONDAY Nov 1 2004: New information indicates that hackers may be targeting
the central computers counting our votes tomorrow. All county elections
officials who use modems to transfer votes from polling places to the
central vote-counting server should disconnect the modems now.
There is no down side to removing the modems. Simply drive the vote
cartridges from each polling place in to the central vote-counting
location by car, instead of transmitting by modem. .Turning off. the
modems may not be sufficient. Disconnect the central vote counting server
from all modems, INCLUDING PHONE LINES, not just Internet.
In a very large county, this will add at most one hour to the
vote-counting time, while offering significant protection from outside
It appears that such an attack may already have taken place, in a primary
election 6 weeks ago in King County, Washington -- a large jurisdiction
with over one million registered voters. Documents, including internal
audit logs for the central vote-counting computer, along with modem
.trouble slips. consistent with hacker activity, show that the system may
have been hacked on Sept. 14, 2004. Three hours is now missing from the
vote-counting computer's "audit log," an automatically generated record,
similar to the black box in an airplane, which registers certain kinds of
Here are the details about remote access vulnerability through the modem
connecting polling place voting machines with the central vote-counting
server in each county elections office. This applies specifically to all
Diebold systems (1,000 counties and townships), and may also apply to
other vendors. The prudent course of action is to disconnect all modems,
since the downside is small and the danger is significant.
The central servers are installed on unpatched, open Windows computers and
use RAS (Remote Access Server) to connect to the voting machines through
telephone lines. Since RAS is not adequately protected, anyone in the
world, even terrorists, who can figure out the server's phone number can
change vote totals without being detected by observers.
The passwords in many locations are easily guessed, and the access phone
numbers can be learned through social engineering or war dialing.
ELECTION OFFICIALS: The only way to protect tomorrow's election from this
type of attack is to disconnect the servers from the modems now. Under
some configurations, attacks by remote access are possible even if the
modem appears to be turned off. The modem lines should be physically
We obtained these documents through a public records request. The video
was taken at a press conference held by the King County elections chief
Friday Oct 29.
The audit log is a computer-generated automatic record similar to the
"black box" in an airplane, that automatically records access to the
Diebold GEMS central tabulator (unless, of course, you go into it in the
clandestine way we demonstrated on September 22 in Washington DC at the
National Press club.)
The central tabulator audit log is an FEC-required security feature. The
kinds of things it detects are the kinds of things you might see if
someone was tampering with the votes: Opening the vote file, previewing
and/or printing interim results, altering candidate definitions (a method
that can be used to flip votes).
Three hours is missing altogether from the Sept. 14 Washington State
primary held six weeks ago.
Here is a copy of the GEMS audit log.
Note that all entries from 9:52 p.m. until 1:31 a.m. are missing.
One report that GEMS automatically puts in the audit log is the "summary
report." This is the interim results report. We obtained the actual Sept.
14 summary reports, printed directly from the King County tabulator GEMS
program, because we went there and watched on election night and collected
these reports. These reports were also collected by party observers,
candidates, and were on the Web site for King County.
Here are summary reports which are now missing from the audit log.
Note the time and date stamps on the reports. Note also that they are
signed by Dean Logan, King County elections chief. We have the original
reports signed in ink on election night.
What does all this mean?
We know that summary reports show up in the audit log.
There are other audit logs, like the one that tracks modem transmissions,
but this audit log tracks summary reports.
Dean Logan held a press conference Friday morning, Oct. 29. Kathleen
Wynne, a citizen investigator for Black Box Voting, attended the press
conference and asked Dean Logan why three hours are missing from the audit
Here is a video clip
Logan said the empty three hours is because no reports were printed. OK.
But we have summary reports from 10:34 p.m., 11:38 p.m., 12:11 a.m., 12:46
a.m., and 1:33 p.m. These reports were during the time he said no reports
were run. Either the software malfunctioned, or audit log items were
deleted. Because remote access through the modems is possible, the system
may have been hacked, audit log deleted, without Logan realizing it.
Perhaps there are two of this particular kind of audit log? Perhaps this
is an incomplete one?
Bev Harris called King County elections office records employee Mary Stoa,
asking if perhaps there are any other audit logs at all. Mary Stoa called
back, reporting that according to Bill Huennikens of King County
elections, the audit log supplied to us in our public records request is
the only one and the comprehensive and complete one.
Perhaps it is a computer glitch?
The audit log is 168 pages long and spans 120 days, and the 3 hours just
happen to be missing during the most critical three hours on election
Diebold says altering the audit log cannot be done. Of course, we know a
chimpanzee can't get into an elections office and play with the computer,
but to demonstrate how easy it is to delete audit log entries, we taught a
chimpanzee to delete audit records using an illicit "back door" to get
into the program, Diebold told reporters it was a "magic show." Yet,
Diebold's own internal memos show they have known the audit log could be
altered since 2001!
Here is a Diebold memo from October 2001, titled "Altering the audit log,"
written by Diebold principal engineer Ken Clark:
"King County is famous for it" [altering the audit log]
Here is Dean Logan, telling a Channel 5 King-TV News reporter that there
were no unexpected problems with the Diebold programs. This was at the
"MBOS" central ballot counting facility in King County in the wee hours of
Sept. 15, on Election Night.
Dean Logan on Election Night, Sept 14 2004
Note that he says there were no problems with modem transmission.
When we obtained the trouble slips, in a public records request --
documentation that indeed the modems were not working fine, we were
accidentally given the access phone number for King County.
Were we so inclined, if we had simply kept this under our hat, we could
take control of your central server on election night from our living
Here are the trouble slips showing problems with modems. Note that King
County generously provided us with the "secret" information needed to hack
in by remote access. We did redact the specific information that gives
this information to you.
Here are more trouble tickets. One that is a concern: "OK to format memory
card?" (This would wipe out the votes in the electronic ballot box.)
Election officials: Disconnect those modems NOW. If you don't: You gotta
be replaced.
Reporters: Some election officials will lie to you. Show your kids what
bravery looks like. Be courageous. Report the truth.
Citizens: Please help us by joining the Cleanup Crew. For now, e-mail
crew@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx to join, since our signup form has been taken out.
Candidates: Make a statement. Do not concede on Election Night. Wait until
audits and records can be examined.
# # # # #
HOW TO MONITOR THE CENTRAL TABULATOR: Black Box Voting developed these
guidelines to help you create an audit log, which can then be compared
with the FEC-required computer-generated audit log inside the computer.
Yes, this is a lot of stuff, and it might feel overwhelming, but whatever
you can do -- it is very much appreciated.
- A notebook and pen. Preferably a notebook with a sewn binding, if you
can find one. Do not take notes on a computer.
- A cell phone
- Binoculars
If you can, also bring these:
- A camera
- A small tape recorder
- A video camera, with a zoom lens if possible
Note that some counties will require you to turn off your video camera
during the entering of passwords, a valid request. You should, however, be
able to videotape the rest. Don.t pull your camera out right away. Avoid
confrontation by leaving your video camera in the bag -- better yet, a
purse. Pull it out only when there is an event of significance.
You can.t be effective if you make assumptions or let others intimidate
- Don.t let others make you feel dumb.
- Make no assumptions about security. It might be worse than you expect.
- Don.t count on the accuracy of anything other people tell you, even if
they work for the county or the vendor.
- About party observers, techies, or lawyers: Remember that they have not
examined the actual software or setup, and they are operating on
assumptions, hearsay, or in some cases, may be trying to misdirect your
- Vendor contracts prohibit county officials from examining their own
software. Elections officials may just be repeating what someone else (the
vendor) has told them.
to the real audit log.
Write down the following. For every event, write the date, time, including
1. NAMES & AFFILIATIONS: Get the names of everyone there. Find out
2. WHERE ARE THE COMPUTERS: Establish the number and location of all vote
tabulation computers. They call them different things: tabulators,
servers. What you want is the computer that adds up all the votes from
everywhere in the county.
- Some counties have only one. If there are more than one, find out where
each one is. If there is more than one tabulator, ask if they are
networked together and find out if any of them are in places you can.t
3. SYNCHRONIZE YOUR WATCH with the central vote-tally computer. Ask
officials to tell you the time on the computer. If more than one, ask for
the time of each and the ID number of each.
log the date and time, to the minute, in this format:
Nov 02 2004 11:25 p.m.
Nov. 03 2004 01:15 a.m.
People: Ask names and affiliations for, and log the START and STOP time
a. Who accesses the terminal (the keyboard and screen)
b. Who sits at the terminal
c. Who accesses the server (the computer the screen is hooked up to)
d. Who enters and leaves the room
COMPUTER ACTIVITIES: Log the START and STOP time for the following events
and write down the name of the person involved:
a. Putting disks, CDs, or any other item in the computer
b. Taking disks, CDs, or any other item out of the computer
c. Uploading disks, CDs, or any other item
d. Viewing a preview of a report
e. Putting a report on the Web, even if this is done from another computer
f. Printing a report
g. NOTE WHAT.S ON THE SCREEN: Use binoculars to view the screen.
- Note upload icons.
- Use binoculars to read and record error messages. Note the time.
- Note indicators of processes, when a status bar shows how much is left
to do
- Watch to see if the program suddenly disappears from the screen (a
program crash) or any system error message appears. If so, note the time
and other details, and see below for how to record system crashes.
- Get the date and time and note who was at the computer
- Note whether any results were being transmitted or uploaded at the time
the crash occurred.
- Did the crash take down the whole computer or did it just close the
tabulator program unexpectedly.
- Log all activities and conversations that occur just after the crash. If
have a tape recorder, leave it in your purse, now is the time to turn it
on. But keep making notes regardless of whether you have tape, and trust
your gut. What you think might be important is probably important.
i. Note when, where, and who feeds ballot data into the computer in the
central office. Describe what they are feeding the cards into, where the
items are located, who does it, and when.
- Note what kind of data storage device is used to move data around. You
are looking for floppy disks, CDs, USB keys (about the size of a pack of
- Note where they get the disk from originally (whether it was from the
machine, meaning it could have a program or data on it already, or out of
a package of new disks).
- Track the chain of custody: Where it is taken, and have someone watch it
when taken to any other machine, note what programs you can see on the
other machine
- Note whether (and what time) it comes back and if it is put into the
machine again.
k. Moving the results: They have to move the results somehow. Ask
questions about their procedures.
- Is someone coming and going every hour or so with paper results?
- Are they moving results to the Internet with a floppy or CD or USB key
(looks like a little piece of plastic, about the size of a piece of gum)
- If no one is leaving the machine to post the results, chances are they
are doing this at the computer, meaning they are probably hooked up to a
network or the Internet. Ask questions about the details and record what
they say, and the name of the person who says it.
l. If you see somebody open a web page or they do something that lets you
know there has been Internet access, write it down.
- Note whether people look worried or stressed. Log the time it begins and
the time it ends and who they are.
- A now a word about .wranglers.. Some elections offices appoint a person
-- sometimes a party observer they are chummy with -- to act as
.wranglers.. They identify any person who might ask troublesome questions,
and if an event occurs that could cause embarrassment, the appointed
wrangler then goes over to distract the observers. Really. This is an
elections procedure in some jurisdictions. They actually call it a
- If someone comes over and engages you in conversation, look around, and
see if officials have suddenly congregated into an office or people are
huddling over a computer. See if you can find out what you are not
supposed to see.
- Log behavior that is distracting, noting the time and person.
- Log time and people involved in other distraction events, for example:
The lights suddenly go out; a fire alarm goes off; someone spills
something, loud noises, someone knocks something over.
Each state has a public records act, but in most cases, you can get
records you ask for if you are nice. Here are important records you.ll
1. Get a copy of each INTERIM RESULTS REPORT. Stand guard over what you
have. If someone comes in to remove or .replace one with a better copy.
hang onto the first and take the replacement, marking it. Make sure all
interim reports are time-stamped by the computer. If they aren.t, note the
exact time you see them appear.
2. Request the COMPUTER AUDIT LOG for Oct. 29-Nov 2 (actually, it is
important to get the printout BEFORE YOU LEAVE that night. It will only be
a few pages, and can be printed from the vote-tally program.s menu.
3. Ask for a copy of all the POLLING PLACE RESULTS SLIPS. These are sent
in with the results cartridges. Try to get copies before you leave that
night. If they won.t give copies to you then, put in a public records
request and ask how soon you can pick them up.
4. Ask for a copy of THE UPLOAD LOGS. These are on the computer and can be
printed out on election night. They list each polling place and the time
results were uploaded.
5. There are ADDITIONAL LOGS in the Diebold GEMS programs you can request:
From the GEMS folder .data., ask for the poster logs. There may be folders
in the GEMS .data. directory titled .download., .log., .poster. and
.results.. Ask for copies of these logs.
6. Here.s a report that is very long but incredibly important and
valuable. Ask if you can have the ELECTION NIGHT DETAIL REPORT -- the
precinct by precinct results as of the time all memory cards are uploaded
from all precincts. Depending on the system, they.ll call it different
things -- in Diebold, it is called the Statement of Votes Cast (SOVC)
7. Let us know which REPORTS THEY REFUSE to give you on Election Night. We
can then put in Freedom of Information (public records) requests formally.
Once we have your observation log, and the records you obtain on Election
Night, we can start matching up events and data to audit for anomalies.
# # # # #
Post information in the county and state at BlackBoxVoting.ORG. If the
site is hacked out, come back as soon as it is up and post the
Thank you, and let.s have an orderly election.
# # # # #
Now, there is a film crew who has been brave enough to capture what's
really going on:
THIS IS THE ONE: Here's the film that's breaking new ground on voting
machine investigations. Includes never before seen footage and
download 30 minute preview of the upcoming feature film.
NOTE: Please give your attention to the real film by the real
investigators: Russell Michaels, Simon Ardizzone, and Robert Carrillo
Cohen -- they are the real deal. (Someone who ran off with a portion of
the proprietary footage has been pitching a similarly named, inferior
production which is missing most of the good stuff.) By the way, we've
worked with most of the documentary producers out there, and Russell
Michaels, Simon Ardizzone and Robert Carrillo Cohen are in a class by
themselves -- In my opinion, they are the only filmmakers who have been
doing real, in-depth, long-term in-the-field investigations on this issue
-- Bev Harris.
- Don't concede: Candidates, make a statement about voting without
auditing. Hold off on your concession until the canvass is done
- Gotta be replaced: If your county melts down into litigation, hold
officials accountable if they chose to ignore warnings and failed to
mitigate risks with preventive actions (like disconnecting telephone
Note that most voting machine problems will be found between Nov. 3-12,
during the canvass, and a few weeks later, when public records requests
are obtained.
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Charter: http://lists.netsys.com/full-disclosure-charter.html