Hi List, I found yesterday this bug in the last version of MiniShare. This is a simple buffer overflow in the address link. Vendors are contacted at http://minishare.sourceforge.net 1 hour only before the public advisorie. Actually no fix are available. The exploit is available in attachment for the list peoples, and available at dfind.kd-team.com my homepage. class101 /* MiniShare <= 1.4.1, Remote Buffer Overflow Exploit v0.1. Bind a shellcode to the port 101. Full disclosure and exploit by class101 [at] DFind.kd-team.com [&] #n3ws [at] EFnet 07 november 2004 Thanx to HDMoore and Metasploit.com for their kickass ASM work. ------------------ WHAT IS MINISHARE ------------------ Homepage - http://minishare.sourceforge.net/ MiniShare is meant to serve anyone who has the need to share files to anyone, doesn't have a place to store the files on the web, and does not want or simply does not have the skill and possibility to set up and maintain a complete HTTP-server software... -------------- VULNERABILITY -------------- A simple buffer overflow in the link length, nothing more read the code for further instructions. ---- FIX ---- Actually none, the vendor is contacted the same day published, 1 hour before you. As a nice fuck to NGSS , iDEFENSE and all others private disclosures homo crew ainsi que K-OTiK, ki se tap' des keu dans leur "Lab" lol :-> ---- EXTRA ---- Update the JMP ESP if you need. A wrong offset will crash minishare. Code tested working on MiniShare 1.4.1 and WinXP SP1 English, Win2k SP4 English, WinNT SP6 English Others MiniShare's versions aren't tested. Tip: If it crashes for you , try to play with Sleep()... ---- BY ---- class101 [at] DFind.kd-team.com [&] #n3ws [at] EFnet who greets DiabloHorn [at] www.kd-team.com [&] #kd-team [at] EFnet */
Description: Binary data