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Re: [Full-Disclosure] How secure is PHP ?

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Gary E. Miller wrote:
> Saying PHP in insecure is like saying C is insecure.  Until their is
> a programmer involved, writing bad code, there is no problem.  Just like
> C if the programmer carefully validates and contrains ALL input then
> the program is not only secure but robust.

That's not strictly correct. Having PHP installed on a web server can
introduce vulnerabilities, regardless of whether PHP scripts running are
vulnerbale, but having a C compiler installed would probably not
introduce vulnerabilities (other than the ability to compile and run
exploits for that architecture).

In early October, there was a PHP vulnerability that allowed arbitrary
file uploading and the disclosure of memory contents; in mid July there
were a handful of PHP vulnerabilities disclosed that could allow remote
code execution through the exploit of buffer overflows in PHP itself.

In other words, these were vulnerabilities not in poorly-written PHP
scripts, but in the PHP engine itself that, regardless of scripts
installed or not installed, could allow a remote attacker (in the case
of the latter) to execute arbitrary code with the permissions of the
process running PHP (the webserver).

Additionally, on a more abstract note, I think it is unwise to be
cavalier about concerns about specific languages (like C); if it is
possible to achieve a given task with a ``safer'' language, that is
probably a wise decision--humans make mistakes. Using a language like
Java or Python that supports array bounds checking can be an excellent
way to avoid needless buffer overflows in applicable uses, and just so,
using a server-side scripting language that makes it more difficult to
write insecure code can be a great way of avoiding
programmer-error-induced vulnerabilities. Someone has already written
array bounds checking and input sanitation, for the compilers or
libraries or runtime interpreters of these languages; there is no reason
for every programmer out there to start with C and re-invent the wheel.

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