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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Slightly off-topic: www.georgewbush.com
- To: Thorsten Peter <peter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [Full-Disclosure] Slightly off-topic: www.georgewbush.com
- From: "J.A. Terranson" <measl@xxxxxxx>
- Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2004 21:39:19 -0600 (CST)
On Mon, 1 Nov 2004, Thorsten Peter wrote:
> Paul Schmehl wrote:
> > If Kerry is elected, the French and Germans will rejoice, because they
> > will know that they can engage in corruption and bribery with rogue
> > states and stymie any attempt by the UN...oh, wait, the UN will be
> > involved in the bribery and corruption, strike that.
> being german, and i am sure the french will very much agree....this
> couldn't be a more typical bush-republican-style phrase.
> yea man, we, old-europe need a strong and stupid bull riding, golf
> playing cowboy from texas, who tells us how the world needs to be run.
> and of course the evil UN, who tried to solve the iraq/saddam problem
> without aircraft carriers and marines.
> man are you really that stupid?
Yes, he is.
And what's scary is that there are a lot more where he came from. Why do
you think the US so blindly supports the murderous Israelis? Without the
Foaming True Believers like Paul, it would be impossible to continue down
the path we (the US) seem so predisposed to.
I'd like to think that (a) Kerry will win on Tuesday, (b) Kerry would be a
better leader than the angry midget is, and, (c) the world will one day be
free of american imperialism, but I don't believe it.
Even if the election goes for Shrub I have no confidence that he and his
friends at Diebold et al won't fabricate the results they really want. I
have no belief that Kerry will be any better than Shrub is, and I have no
belief that the Average American Asshole (Paul would be the poster child
for this one) is prepared to let the rest of the world live peacefully in
their own homes without being told how to run their lives at the point of
an american gun.
J.A. Terranson
"An ill wind is stalking
while evil stars whir
and all the gold apples
go bad to the core"
S. Plath, Temper of Time
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