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SV: [Full-Disclosure] Rendering binary file as HTML makes Mozilla Firefox stop responding or crash

Hi Bipin,

It's not rated as a serious risk, is it?  Simply a DoS.

This is not sorely related to trivial memory consumption, neither. The
scenario you're descriping has been around for ages and is related to system
resources. This is not.

Peter Kruse

>-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
>Fra: bipin gautam [mailto:visitbipin@xxxxxxxxx]
>Sendt: 26. oktober 2004 19:09
>Til: pkr@xxxxxxx
>Cc: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Emne: Re: [Full-Disclosure] Rendering binary file as HTML makes Mozilla
>Firefox stop responding or crash
>ya i've been seeing this behavior since a long time...
>but i don't think there is anything serious. Firefox
>only slows down (using 100% cpu) if you are using a
>slow PC. And after the binary file have been completed
>loded. Everything works normal......
>frankly,  there are lot of such similar bugs. If you
>open multiple windows and multiple tabs at once,
>firefox locks/reservs the memory (pagefile) that its
>using even when some of the tabs are closed. You have
>to restart mozilla (close all the open windows) to
>free the memory.
>huh, nothing serious isn't it......
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