Curt,Let's see...
And what was it that Bush lied to you personally about? or lied to the
American People about? WMD's in Iraq? Just because we haven't found many of
them (YES we have found some, BTW), doesn't mean they didn't exist....
Like life on Mars, just because we haven't seem little green men yet,
doesn't mean they don't exist.
When Clinton lied, no one died. What did happen, though, is that congress spent millions of dollars investigating Clinton's zipper and took FBI agents off of Al Quaeda. Thank you republican Senate.Did you vote for Clinton? Now HE out right lied to the American people, UNDER OATH no less.... Kerry has also lied, out and out.... the first lie that comes to mind is the thought that he threw his medals over the fence after Viet-nam, he still has HIS medals. He's trying to say that he "threw medals" not that he "threw HIS medals". Oh and what's that, first he was for the war that he served in, then against, and now all of a sudden he's running for president and he's for it again. iraq the same way, he's against it, he's for it, he's against it... he's a friggin revolving door.
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