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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Will a vote for John Kerry be counted by a Hart InterCivic eSlate3000 in Honolulu?
- To: KF_lists <kf_lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [Full-Disclosure] Will a vote for John Kerry be counted by a Hart InterCivic eSlate3000 in Honolulu?
- From: Ron DuFresne <dufresne@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2004 16:43:49 -0500 (CDT)
They can't help themselves, it's like a person with the flu and the
running shits, it has to comeout somewhere...
Ron DuFresne
On Thu, 21 Oct 2004, KF_lists wrote:
> Support Apathy! I don't give a shit... do you?
> Until you are debating over who has the best malloc() ninjitsu technique
> or which on of them can exploit a shatter attack, QUIT discussing the
> candidates!
> -KF
> >> The question comes to mind... why oh why did you cast your vote for
> >> Kerry?
> >> I guess you want the US to be policed and governed by the UN. I
> >> guess you
> >> want someone in office that can't make up his mind about anything. I
> >> guess
> >> you want someone in office that will start to shred the Constitution
> >> piece
> >> by piece and change it bit by bit until it reads like the Heinz Ketchup
> >> bottle ingrediants.
> >>
> >> But, it's your vote, you can vote for anyone that you wish, I'll
> >> defend
> >> that right to the end, even if Kerry wants to take it away....
> >>
> >> My vote will be PROUDLY cast for Bush, just like it was 4 years ago.
> >>
> >> Exibar
> >
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***testing, only testing, and damn good at it too!***
OK, so you're a Ph.D. Just don't touch anything.
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