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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Will a vote for John Kerry be counted by aHartInterCivic eSlate3000 in Honolulu? - OT

Gregh (chows@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) wrote:

> FYI - I know a lot of Americans FEEL that way but FYI once more, it
> isn't true to most people in the world. 

Well, speaking for clearly ignorant Ozzies such as yourself, you may 
well be correct -- after all, you're the folk who just re-elected, as 
your Prime Minister, the biggest Dubya-toadie outside of the White 
House and the Iraqi interim "governing council" (or whatever they 
masquerade as).

Most of the non-US folk I've met in the last six months (and many US 
citizens too) are downright petrified of a Bush re-election.

> Please - can we take this OFF list now? Thanks.

Had you followed your own advice by not posting your inflammatorily 
ignorant off-topic opinion, you would not have prompted this (and 
other) followups...


Nick FitzGerald

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