are they?
do you remember 'firewalking'?
sorry, but firewalking is not icmp-only technique and don't
use full range of icmp types/codes.
by firewalking you use tcp or udp packets (depends, which
protocol acl you want to study) with one bigger TTL than
target and monitor results via icmp type 11.
if you really afraid firewalking, then instead of closing
down all icmp you can close down only type 11. and nat
firewall protects you from firewalking anyway.
what i want to say? blindly closing down things is easiest
thing to do. but doing so you are not on the top of the problem
and you don't control things. get down to the problem and fix
things. there's one too many black hole routers in the world
and availability is also an security attribute.
al the best,