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Re: [Full-Disclosure] WIN XPSP2 - is this a possible way to hack?

Firstly I must apologise for adding more noise to this thread; but I
feel that this rant applies to more than just one person. I know there
are many who simply can't deal with posts like the one from "gregh", a
message in a human language form rather than a logical systems
breakdown. Some people think and work like that, and whether you like
it or not, many of those are the people pay most of your bills one way
or another (Other than consultants and service industries, IT support
techs do not make money for companies). Learn sufficient social skills
to deal with people without damaging anyones feelings. Many of the
attitudes returned on many similar topics are not dissimilar in nature
to the attitudes which lead to war (arrogance, lack of patience,
hypocrisy and aggression).

No one knows everything, you can learn as much about life from a
homeless person as you can from the richest man on the planet. Stop
trying to piss higher, there will always be someone better who will
one day come along and be far better than you; do you want them to
come down on you like a ton of bricks, or teach you something useful?
If you team up with some people and learn from them whilst teaching
them what you know, you may develop what is required to stay "on top".
There is simply too much information to ever be the top of everything.
Learn to use people, not abuse them. You gain friends by helping, not
by shouting.

On Wed, 13 Oct 2004 13:10:50 +1300, VeNoMouS <venom@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Im surprised you manged to work out how an email client works after reading
> that dribble.

The guy has a problem, so maybe he's not good at writing technically.
Teach him or shut up. There is no other thing you can do which could
be considered constructive.

> This mailing list is really starting to bug me, to many newbs signing up and
> talking about the most retarded shit.

See above to get an idea of what IMO is the worst thing about this mailing list.

> sorry "gregh" but i think you need to get alot more experince computer wise.

And how is he supposed to do that, is this not supposed to be one of
the "respected" places for security information. You are shitting in
your own back yard.
> The angus VeNoMouS has spoken!!

Did you get the word angus out of a thesaurus, because I fear you do
not know what it means:

Maybe you did, or are you a breed of venomous cow? I suggest you don't
make any more comments about spell checking. Your post suggests that
you have a poor understanding of the English language, maybe this was
the source of your problem with gregh's mail? We do what we can to
make things clear, some people are more experienced at it than others.
Humans make mistakes, you should know that as well as the rest of us.

I have been assisting Gregh off-list and will not be contributing
publicly to any further discussion on this topic, unless some
impacting flaw is found; at which time I will provide a description in
a systematic format that all can understand.

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