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Re: [Full-Disclosure] unarj dir-transversal bug (../../../..)

That was certainly a useful explanation. Isn't stuff on this list
supposed to be readable? Anyhow, if I'm reading what you've said
correctly, it's supposed to work that way. Most programs pass the
"../" (or "..\") to the OS to handle.

-- Chris

On Sun, 10 Oct 2004 15:43:10 -0700, doubles@xxxxxxxx <doubles@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> yyoo  wwaassssuupppp????????????????  ddoouubblleess  iiss  hheerree
>  ttoo
> rroocckk  ddaa  hhoouussee  nndd  ttoo  tthhrrooww  uunnaarrjj  ddiirr-
> -
> ttrraannssvveerrssaall  bbuugg  iinn  yyaarr  ffaaccee!!  ''''uunnaarrjj
> ee''''  uunnppaacckkss  aallll  ddaa  sshhiitt  ttoo  ddaa  ccuurrrreenntt
> ddiirr  ''''uunnaarrjj  xx''''  uunnppaacckkss  ttoo  mmaannyy  ddiirrss
>  nndd
> iitt  aaiinntt  ggoonnnnaa  cczzeecchh  iiff  yyoouu  hhaavvee  ddaa
>  eevviill
> ''''....//....//....//....//....//....''''  sshhiitt  iinn  ddaa  ppaatthh!!
> ddoouubblleess
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Chris Umphres <http://daga.dyndns.org/>

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.netsys.com/full-disclosure-charter.html