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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Re: Jkuperus <jkuperus@planet.nl>

Vince Able wrote:
Can anyone tell me why this idiot keeps trying to send the group kiddies script 
Why doesn't the moderators remove this losers account.

I am sorry to interupt, but did it ever occured to you that he might not be the actual sender of the stuff? There are many virusses that just take a address from a addressbook and use that as From: header in the email.

So please base your assumptions on facts, and dont yell
at people when you don't know what actually happened.

For a little explaination read this which tells
you something about virusses.


Kind regards,

Remko Lodder                   |remko@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Reporter DSINet                |remko@xxxxxxxxxx
Projectleader Mostly-Harmless  |remko@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Founder Tienervaders           |remko@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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