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Re: SV: [Full-Disclosure] JPEG GDI+ (MS04-028) Exploit @ http://home.zccn.net/mm2004


> >Hex verified its hxxp://home.zccn.net/mm2004/mu/nc.jpg with payload @ 
> >hxxp://home.zccn.net/mm2004/mu/msmsgs.exe infected by netsnake.h 
> >trojan (http://www.google.com.sg/search?hl=en&q=netsnake.h) 
> Indeed. The malware, refered to in the jpg-exploit, was hosted as 
> "msmsgs.exe" (Netsnake-H) and has now been removed, so infection from that 
> specific URL, is no longer a threat. 

i wouldn't say so:

\wget -vv home.zccn.net/mm2004/mu/msmsgs.exe
--16:45:13--  http://home.zccn.net/mm2004/mu/msmsgs.exe
           => `msmsgs.exe'
Resolving home.zccn.net...
Connecting to home.zccn.net[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 58,280 [application/octet-stream]

100%[====================================>] 58,280         6.85K/s    ETA 00:00

16:45:24 (6.85 KB/s) - `msmsgs.exe' saved [58280/58280]

msmsgs.exe infected: Backdoor.Netsnake.h

all the best,

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