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Re: [Full-Disclosure] iDEFENSE Security Advisory 10.05.04b: Symantec Norton AntiVirus Reserved Device Name Handling Vulnerability


What a coincidence, This is what i was talking about
with few others in the list... a day 
back!!! I myself saw this behavoir...... (i was a few
days short) hay guys you were telling me, "Antiviral
vendors aware about this problem, it was discussed in
past." so??? iDEFENSE took away my upcomming advisort.

3APA3A, do you work for iDEFENSE???????

ANYWAYS, this isn't a first time a advisory has
coinside with other........


--- 3APA3A <3APA3A@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Dear bipin gautam,
> Actually  my  super  antivirus  easily  detects 
> eicar  in  nul.con. For
> example, for c:\NUL.CON\eicar.com
> try
> antieicar \\.\c:\NUL.CON\eicar.com
> Antiviral vendors aware about this problem, it was
> discussed in past.
> --Saturday, October 2, 2004, 9:57:52 PM, you wrote
> to full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:
> >> OK.  I  just wrote new super antivirus. It's
> >> databases currently consist
> >> from  only  eicar.com  signature  (I'm very new
> in
> >> this business) but it
> >> 100% detects EICAR in the file with removed
> >> permissions :)
> >> 
> >> http://www.security.nnov.ru/files/antieicar.zip
> >> Now, there is at least one antivirus to break
> your
> >> statement :)
> >> 
> bg> good example 3APA3A to teach those software
> companies
> bg> howto, 
> bg> anyways... here is a archive, 
> bg> http://www.geocities.com/visitbipin/antiPOC.zip
> bg> Extract the archive by using "DEFAULT ZIP
> bg> windows xp. It will create a file "NULL.con" (O;
> bg> within which there is a "eicar test string
> file". 
> bg> I don't think your super AV will detect the
> "eicar
> bg> test string file" withing "NULL.con" folder???
> :)
> bg> anyways... let me know HOW? when you figure out
> to how
> bg> to delete "NULL.con" directory.

> The problem specifically exists in attempts to scan
> files and
> directories named as reserved MS-DOS devices.
> Reserved MS-DOS device
> names are a hold over from the original days of
> Microsoft DOS. The
> reserved MS-DOS device names represent devices such
> as the first printer
> port (LPT1) and the first serial communication port
> (COM1). Sample
> reserved MS-DOS device names include AUX, CON, PRN,
> COM1 and LPT1. If a
> virus stores itself in a reserved device name it can
> avoid detection by
> Symantec Norton AntiVirus when the system is
> scanned. Symantec Norton
> AntiVirus will scan the files and folders containing
> the virus and fail
> to detect or report them. reserved device names can
> be creating with
> standard Windows utilities by specifying the full
> Universal Naming
> Convention (UNC) path. The following command will
> successfully copy a
> file to the reserved device name 'aux' on the C:\
> drive:
>     copy source \\.\C:\aux

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