The Shmoo Group is soliciting papers and presentations for the first annual
ShmooCon. ShmooCon 2005 will be a highly-technical and entertaining East
coast hacker convention focused on technology exploitation, inventive
software and hardware solutions, as well as open discussion on a variety of
technology and security topics. ShmooCon 2005 will be held on February 4-6,
2005 at the Wardman Park Marriott in Washington, D.C., just minutes from your
choice of 3-letter agencies.
ShmooCon 2005 will have three tracks, each dedicated to the following:
Break It! - Technology Exploitation
Build It! - Inventive Software and Hardware Solutions
BoF It! - Open Discussion of Technology and Security Topics
Topics for the "Break It!" track may include, but are not limited to,
- Consumer electronic devices
- Application, host, and network security
- Telephony
- Physical security
Topics for the "Build It!" track may include, but are not limited to,
inventive software and hardware SOLUTIONS in:
- Robotics
- Distributed computing
- Community wireless networking
- Mobile personal computing
Topics for the "BoF It!" track may include, but are not limited to, open
DISCUSSION of the following:
- Privacy and anonymity
- Exploit and vulnerability disclosure / databases
- DRM (Digital Rights Management), fair use, copyright infringement
- Open source software world domination strategies
Presentation Format
All presentations and discussions will be 55 minutes in length. Presentations
in the "Break It!" and "Build It!" tracks must include demonstrations of
personally developed techniques, working code, and/or devices, with code
and/or schematics being open-source and released to the public for free.
Initiating an open discussion for "BoF It!" requires subject matter
expertise, active involvement with the topic at hand, and a brief
presentation of the topic/problem scope.
Shmooballs will be issued to the audience, to facilitate a frank and open
discussion of opinions. Speakers are encouraged to present innovative ideas
that not everyone agrees with.
Submission Procedure
To submit, email cfp@xxxxxxxxxxxx with the following information:
1. Speaker name(s) and/or handle(s)
2. Presentation Title
3. Track preference
4. Two to three paragraph presentation description and/or outline
5. List facilities required. Projector for use with VGA input, flipchart,
sound projection, Internet connectivity will be provided.
6. Speaker bio
7. Contact info for speaker (email AND mobile number, please)
Accepted speakers will receive free admission to the conference, as well as a
$100 honorarium after evaluation of their completed presentation. 6
runner-ups will receive free admission as hot-alternates. They should come to
ShmooCon 2005 prepared to speak, and, if it becomes necessary for them to
speak as an alternate, they too will receive a $100 honorarium after
evaluation of their completed presentation. NOTE: select presentation
submissions which are not accepted will be awarded a 50% discounted admission
to ShmooCon 2005. Presentations must be designed to include source code,
schematics, or other substantial details that demonstrate the topic being
Presentation proposals will be reviewed by members of the Shmoo Group. A list
of the reviewers will be posted on the ShmooCon 2005 web site when the Call
For Papers is formally issued.
If you feel you have a presentation that would be appropriate but that does
not meet these guidelines, feel free to submit it anyway but be sure to
include a cover letter explaining your reasoning so we can evaluate your
All questions regarding this call for papers should be addressed to
Check the web site for final dates
July 30, 2004 CFP opens
Early Fall 2004 papers for preferential first round consideration due
Middle Fall 2004 final due date for all papers
Late Fall 2004 speakers notified
Submissions are due by late fall 2004. Preference will be given to
submissions received by early fall 2004. Selected speakers will be notified
by Halloween, 2004. We look forward to receiving your submissions as well as
seeing you at ShmooCon 2005!