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RE: [Full-Disclosure] Viral infection via Serial Cable

ALD >  So the question is, is a pc / machine connected to another 
ALD >  pc via serial
ALD >  cable only using specialized windows software to move data 
ALD >  to the machine at
ALD >  all vulnerable to viruses?  Can they transmit themselves 
ALD >  across a serial
ALD >  cable?

you certainly have a queer setup and the having a high powered laser to play 
with for script kiddies would be *very* dangerous, just kidding as it is not 
connected to the net. how ever the machine connected over a serial port, would 
be absolutely safe if it used its own protocol for communication. however if 
the link uses a windows standard protocol like NetBIOS or TCP/IP or NetWare 
then the serial link is just another network link which can transmit and 
receive viruses but since both the environments are totally different one win2k 
and other dos the viruses jumping from one point to other is very slim even if 
you are using the standard protocol 


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