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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Using CHKROOTKIT

Elvedin Trnjanin wrote:

Awesome. For those who don't know, this is basically a lesser Tripwire.

You may also want to look at RootKit Hunter


Like most of you know using chkrootkit can help you by detecting very
malicious hackers from keeping access to your hacked servers.

What will be explained in this special release paper is HOW is does
such a great job and why you should use it too just in case you're the
kind of person who does not have an up to date list of good security

More about chkrootkit...

CHKROOTKIT is a software who's name is recognized as
the state of the art in rootkit detection.

Written in bash CHKROOTKIT is skilled in the calling of other programs
written in C that can perform over complicated procedures that are
very good for that kind of work. Chkrootkit benefits of high level
programs to gather very specific information about a system.

Take it from a real hacker: use chkrootkit on a daily basis prevents
your reputation, integrity and is stress releaving. I *strongly*
recommend it.

As a hacker I can tell you that CHKROOTKIT made my work harder to a point
where I decided to change my profession to security professional.

Please send me all sort of information to my gmail email.

But bee Nice.
     da m0nk3y, k1ng 0f b44n4n4 1sl4ndz

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Robert P. McKenzie                 |   GammaRay Technical Services Ltd
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