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Re: [Full-Disclosure] What A Drag! -revisited-
- To: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: [Full-Disclosure] What A Drag! -revisited-
- From: Nick FitzGerald <nick@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sun, 22 Aug 2004 18:00:31 +1200
mikx wrote:
> To proof it's not a "hype" created by the media or companies like
> secunia, i created another proof-of-concept based on http-equiv's code
> that hides both the image to drag and the local folder you drop it to.
> As a result using the window scrollbar will install malware in your
> startup folder.
Whilst this is all very interesting, anyone that doesn't think http-
equiv's little drag'n'drop trick is not serious clearly needs a swift
kick in the privates, independent of your, or anyone else's, additional
It takes almost no understanding of HTML, embedded scripting and "how
the world works" to recognize that it would be trivial to recast http-
equiv's exploit into some cheesy "game" scenario, and many, many others
of differing attraction values to different user constituencies. All
that is needed is some vaguely plausible scenario, within the bounds of
"expected behaviour" for the chosen paradigm, in which dragging and
dropping items is an integral, "normal" or "expected" part of the
interaction between player and "game" (or whatever the scenario).
Further, it is highly likely that other of the action events that IE
supports than drag'n'drop will also be able to be "hijacked" in similar
ways, resulting in interestingly unintended outcomes.
Of course, MS does not like admitting that lots of the fancy, schmancy
rubbish it has "enhanced" its browser with is, when viewed under the
light of intelligent, security-minded analysis, obviously dangerous and
undesirable -- after all, MS spent most of the last decade following
Billy Boy's edict that the environment should mask most of the
"boundaries" that intelligent security analysis suggests should be
painted in alternating yellow and black hazard stripes. Until a little
over two years ago, Bill championed the value of easing the user's
experience at nearly every other possible cost, and the MS lemmings
followed along, gleefully hiding what should be such important
behaviour modifying boundaries as those between "local machine" and
"open sewer"^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H"Internet" as part of their desktop/
browser integration moves and so on.
Hopefully though, in this brave, new, post-XPSP2 world in which MS has
tasted the value of liberating itself from outright featuritis in
favour of somewhat more intelligent security, the downplayers of
security bug severity at MSRC will lighten up and start to realize that
just because a potential victim has to be "lured" to a web site and
then "persuaded" to drag'n'drop something, that does not automatically
render the issue ignorable. When blatant, user-targeted warnings about
terrible security threats (such as Office 97's macro virus warning
dialogs) are known have no useful effect, or when users will apparently
unzip unexpected Email attachments that require them to enter a
password from the body of the accompanying, extremely curt, message
_and then_ manually execute the virus within, or when folk will still
send their life savings to Nigeria for thinly veiled and untraceable
lies promising vast, illicit wealth, does any intelligent security
analyst really believe that it is likely to be at all difficult to get
"enough" idiot users to click on a link, do a little dragging'n' drop-
ping and completely unsuspectingly shoot off both their computing feet
in the process?
Come on MSRC, get freaking real here...
The folk at Mozilla recently recognized a very similar thing with the
"predictable location of the download authorization button" problem:
(after far too many months of keeping it under the blanket mind you),
so maybe it's time for MS to pull itself up to Mozilla's standard?
Given how evil open source is (just ask Bill and Ben^H^H^HSteve), I'm
sure MS would not want to be seen to be operating _below_ the standards
of one of the largest (and therefore most evil) of open source
projects, particularly on a security issue, given MS' new-found
interest in actually getting some...
Nick FitzGerald
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
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