+-----[ Description ]-----+
Format string vulnerability.
+-----[ Vulnerable Code ]-----+
From less-382:
[filename.c] : 787
public char *
open_altfile(filename, pf, pfd)
char *filename;
int *pf;
void **pfd;
if ((lessopen = lgetenv("LESSOPEN")) == NULL
sprintf(cmd, lessopen, filename); <-- Format String Problem Here
I am sorry, I fail to see how this is a vulnerability.
If you have control of LESSOPEN, you already have shell, since, from the
man page:
"An input preprocessor is simply an executable program (or shell
script), which writes the contents of the file to a different file,
called the replacement file.
To set up an input preprocessor, set the LESSOPEN environment
variable to a command line which will invoke your input preprocessor."
Perhaps it would be better written if the LESSOPEN parser only allowed
%s to work, as advertized, and not the other sprintf codes, but it
really isn't a security issue (unless I am totally missing something).
If you are really worried about it, add the -L option when running less,
and it will ignore LESSOPEN.