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Re: [Full-Disclosure] iDEFENSE Security Advisory 08.16.04: CVS Undocumented Flag Information Disclosure Vulnerability


> This issue was patched in the latest (June 9th) releases of CVS,
> specifically 1.11.17 & 1.12.9.

well guess WHY it was fixed... maybe because it was found and 
reported by Sebastian Krahmer back ub May?

> An anonymous contributor is credited with discovering this
> vulnerability.
> Get paid for vulnerability research

The bug was officially fixed with the last releases because it was
already found at that time by Sebastian Krahmer. So I suggest that you
ask him for his bank account.

It is quite funny that this is the 3rd (or maybe 4th) incident I know
off, where you pay people for vulnerabilities that were already found
and reported by others.

Stefan Esser


 Stefan Esser                                        s.esser@xxxxxxxxxxxx
 e-matters Security                         http://security.e-matters.de/

 GPG-Key                gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-key 0xCF6CAE69 
 Key fingerprint       B418 B290 ACC0 C8E5 8292  8B72 D6B0 7704 CF6C AE69
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