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[Full-Disclosure] Give XP SP2 a chance

What is the problem with this service pack? Vendor applications suck, all of
them, they are a collection of bugs that limp along ill and falling down
constantly. If applications were horses we'd have shot them long ago.

Every time the PC community takes a step forwards, the dead weight of this
application garbage keeps sinking us. I remember when the desktop started
switching from win 98 to NT. Oh my god what a whine and snivel that was,
every person complained that NT was crap because the applications were
failing. Why did they fail because they were BUGGY. Those same applications
crashed 98 all the time. But hey, that was ok, it was easy to push the reset
and watch the computer to reboot versus NT shutting down the bad

I installed XP service pack 2, sure the firewall was there did it bitch sure
it did but I left it up. Told it to allow the applications that use the net
to work. I've had no problems, sure I expect I will, but I'm willing to
point the finger where it belongs. Sloppy programming. Sure XP has sloppy
spots and yes Microsoft is finally fixing a few of them. But so does every
application out there. So let's stop ripping up every attempt by Microsoft
to fix their mistakes. And lets start ripping up these vendor's who are so
unwilling to fix their own mistakes.

I'm tired of every new version of applications being more feature ridden and
buggier than the last.

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