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Re: [Full-Disclosure] SP2 is killing me. Help?

In some mail from xtrecate, sie said:
> I made the mistake of installing SP2 last night, and I'm having some serious
> issues.  Nearly every dialog box shows up blank, I am unable to set options
> and/or access program functionality in practically every application on this
> machine.

Windows XP SP2 has got to be up there with Windows NT 4.0 service pack 2
in terms of crap updates, possibly even worse.  Maybe M$ are trying to
push everyone away from Windows ?

If I recall correctly, NT4sp3 was not long after NT4sp2.

I wonder if we can expect an XPsp3 "soon" that deals with all the crap
that XPsp2 brings upon us.

> Apparently it saved everything I need for a rollback, so I'm really looking
> forward to doing that.  The catch:  The 'Add or Remove Programs' feature no
> longer works.  The window appears, but is blank.
> Does anyone know of an alternate way to initiate a sp2 rollback?

Have a read of this:


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