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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Re: Anyone know IBM's security address? + Google Hack

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it is wonderous that the jason coombs and his brother joins the "pivx
solutiuons" with the promoise of the shares if they continue to use their
names to make it loud about this sharlatin company...we must conclude
the science org not making funds in paradise no?  a stamp the coombs
name to the pivx and give some creidtbility we think...ah...yes of course
here some shares jayson and put our names on your messages and benefits,
 but the great defective dective coombs blinded by the lure of the quick
monies fails to see the realitieis...insted he sullies he name for the
qwik dollars and lowers his standard for qwik profits

the high securty pivx companies soul products the qwik fix device now
is downlading but the top security companie like all the 20 years old
kiddies make the form byasspable so no needs to give your names to the
download sites


     <INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='subject' VALUE='Qwuik-Fix Pro Download
                        <INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='success_page' 


we can of coarse by pass the invester counter to download the rubbish
so they do not needs to full in the blanks registrasion because it is
the child companies with qwik get rich skemese. here we have to the 10
cents pivx party he from paypal or some stupid girl installings the privay
page form the harddrive muwahhaha....

   <INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='recipient' VALUE='kthayer@xxxxxxxx'>


it is the highly secured company of Jasoon Combs that devulges the sources
of the downloading sights and the hard drive the looser who operates
it he 5 cent company he know represeints


file:///c|/documents and settings/kthayer/my documents/sites/pivx/images/box-

it of coarse is pathetic the hole sites and ....bwhahaha..security run
but thesee people saling there prduct and "pivux security soluwtions"
if the nose how to run the web sights...

jasoon combus must be promsied lots of shares in the company to lower
her standard and practice this faulsehoodedness becaos he has nice ms
analisis of bad productsion all the time buit the pivx or what its called
qwick pix, ge afficks his name to it to promotion it and hopes to get
s0me qwik dollars for it, but every whey he looks at it it is nothing,
 now jasoon combs becomes the another statistic in the munies grabbing
get rich qwuik skemes no longer will its voice ors muses be valid

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