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Re: [Full-Disclosure] waa waa (was Finally the truth slips out)

Paul Schmehl wrote:

No, it's not excellent. There are tons of places on the web to spread this crap. This is not one of them.

And why does this have anything to do with security? Well a few things
come to mind.

I has *nothing* to do with security. Take to alt.i.hate.bush.

Normally, I'd agree...

However, in this case an argument can be made. Bush's intentions when signing laws does have an affect on security. As does the current security condition of the electoral process.

If people can post about the status of government computer security and on legislation relating to security, then they can also comment on the motivations of those actions.

Just because you don't like it's content, doesn't negate the value of the message.


p.s. Security has been a primary issue during Bush's presidency. I find it odd how people can claim that discussion of this administration's impact on security should be removed -- whichever way someone falls on the political spectrum.

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