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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Stateful Packet Inspection

Ron DuFresne wrote:
Google search: IPtables SPI ;;


A better search would be http://www.google.com/search?q=iptables+State+Packet+Inspection&sourceid=mozilla-search&start=0&start=0,

since yours hits on the patch for IPSEC that allows filtering on Security Parameter Index (SPI).

The original message has some merit with respect to netfilter - the Linux kernel firewall is capable of looking at headers only. This does allow some stateful packet inspection - one can discriminate against incoming connection attempts with --syn, for instance. This isn't really stateful, however, since the firewall does not retain any knowledge of the state of a connection. iptables is pretty much useless agains covert channels such as Loki, Q, or any of the various tunneling packages.

The problem with stateful inspection is that it so easily leads to self-denial of service. An attacker need only make enough legitimate connections to overflow the firewall's capability. At that point, the firewall either crashes or quits stateful inspection. Perhaps Mr. Gray should consider how to add true stateful packet inspection to the iptables software and contribute that patch back to the community?


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