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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Re: Mozilla Firefox Certificate Spoofing

I got this working on both windows and linux versions of firefox and mozilla, it's been submitted and patched.


Will Beers

Juan Carlos Navea wrote:
Has anyone tried the proof of concept with a real ssl cert and get it working?

I just tried it using two different ssl urls and the page only
redirected me to the proper site. I did not see the output generated
by document.writeln even after viewing the source.

Can anyone confirm this? I haven't seen any mention of it on bugzilla either.

Im using:

0.9.2 on Windows2k

On Fri, 30 Jul 2004 20:16:12 -0700, Stephen Samuel <samuel@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Has this been posted to bugilla????

E.Kellinis wrote:

Application:    Mozilla Firefox
Vendors:        http://www.mozilla.com
Version:         0.9.1 / 0.9.2
Platforms:       Windows
Bug:               Certificate Spoofing (Phishing)
Risk:              High
Exploitation:   Remote with browser
Date:             25 July 2004
Author:          Emmanouel Kellinis
e-mail:           me@cipher(dot)org(dot)uk
web:              http://www.cipher.org.uk
List :              BugTraq(SecurityFocus)/ Full-Disclosure

======= Product ======= A popular Web browser,good alternative of IE and "The web browser" for linux machines, used to view pages on the World Wide Web.


Firefox has caching problem, as a result of that someone can
spoof a certificate of any website and use it as his/her own.
The problem is exploited using onunload inside  < body> and
redirection using Http-equiv Refresh metatag,document.write()
and document.close()

First you direct the redirection metatag to the website
of which you want to spoof the certificate, then inside
the < body> tag you add onulnoad script so you can control
the output inside the webpage with the spoofed certificate.

After that you say to firefox, as soon as you unload this page
close the stream, aparently the stream you close is
the redirection website, you do that with

Now you can write anything you want , you do that
using document.write(). After writing the content of you choice
you close the stream again , usually firefox wont display your content,
although if you check the source code you see it , so the last thing
is to refresh the new page (do that using window.location.reload()),
after that you have your domain name in the url field , your content
in the browser and the magic yellow Lock on the bottom left corner,
if you pass your mouse over it you will see displayed the name of
the website you spoofed the certificate, if you double click on it you
will check full information of the certificate without any warning !

You dont need to have SSL in your website ! it will work with

Additional using this bug malicious websites can bypass content
filtering using SSL properties.

===================== Proof Of Concept Code =====================

< TITLE>Spoofer< /TITLE>
< META HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" CONTENT="0;URL=https://www.example.com";>
< /HEAD>
document.writeln('< body onload=document.close();break;>
           < h3>It is Great to Use example's Cert!');

< /body>

========================================================= *PK:http://www.cipher.org.uk/files/pgp/cipherorguk.public.key.txt =========================================================

-- Stephen Samuel +1(604)876-0426 samuel@xxxxxxxxxxx http://www.bcgreen.com/~samuel/ Powerful committed communication. Transformation touching the jewel within each person and bringing it to light.

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.netsys.com/full-disclosure-charter.html

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