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[Full-Disclosure] "See What You Share Guy" ----and such sites.....
- To: fulldis list <full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [Full-Disclosure] "See What You Share Guy" ----and such sites.....
- From: Steve Kudlak <chromazine@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2004 05:47:43 -0700
Every once in awhile one will get a person who will trip across things
that are
kind of the worlds open secrets and he will sort of freak about it.
Anyone who
has worked in a real security environment will know these things are
kept far
from such open things as the internet. I think what he has discovered
are pretty
much mil(itary) folks and others who are sharing stuff and police
reports which
are open public records etc.
There was some guy who was a plumber in Seattle or somewhere and he used to
track people browsing porn sites from government sites on presumably the
dime and he made it a real crusade of the whole thing. Lots of people in
places who
surfed the web for lunch/break time hated him.
People who have never been in or dealt with high security stuff freak
easily over anything
they feel should be secret. For example police reports are open for a
number of days in
almost everywhere and this is how newpaper reporters and the like do
their investigations.
I actually found this pretty much reassuring. People are pretty much
human and there is just
sometbing reassuring about seeing life in full detail that to see is
very cheering and reassuring
and not extremerly scary.
What I do find a bit scary is the whole sort of idea that there are lots
that should be kept locked
away from everyone except the annointed few and they are supposed to be
trhe only one's who
know how how things really are and they keep it secret from us for out
own good. Heaven knows
one does need some security but overall I think the balance is that
things work better wtih disclosure
rather than hiding,.
Have Fun,
Sends Steve
P.S. Now if MI-6 bugs me if I actully make it to the UK in the next few
days oh well...;)
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