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Re: [Full-Disclosure] "Fud, lies and libel" against (type any name here, I'll use mi2g)
- To: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, netmapper@xxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: [Full-Disclosure] "Fud, lies and libel" against (type any name here, I'll use mi2g)
- From: <not-mi2g@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2004 19:21:58 -0700
Hash: SHA1
On Thu, 22 Jul 2004 08:38:04 -0700 Robert Wayne <netmapper@xxxxxxxx>
>I don't understand your point. I can laugh, you can laugh... but
>they are defamed! Can you explain why they should laugh? I don't get
tr.v. de·famed, de·fam·ing, de·fames
1. To damage the reputation, character, or good name of by slander
or libel.
>I don't see anywhere in their message: "trusted web sites and
>security portals posting the original hoax have contacted mi2g".
>Are you making it up (lying) ?
"In parallel, consistent negative publicity on other trusted web sites
and security portals has led to the owners of some of those sites to
contact many companies, including mi2g, with a view to buying them out
in exchange for their silence."
>It appears to me that you've spent many (valuable?) of your hours
>discrediting that company, as well as bothering us (at least me) with
>your statements.
Just you, the mi2g employee!
>You are an anonymous poster, that cowardly posts articles against
>a company and his Executive Chairman, without publishing your name!
You seem familiar with the concept of not posting real name while asking
>If you got a problem with mi2g may I suggest you to solve it directly
>with them instead of publishing your rubbish on security lists? You
>are abusing these lists for your own agenda and I think this is not
>fair to me nor to the other readers of the lists. Can you please stop
>posting your rants against mi2g?
For an mi2g employee, you are a retard. My b3sp0ke intelligence thingy
sees your previous posts, where your mail comes from, and tells me you
work for them, or have some other relationship. Are you one of those
eight customers, mad that you are spending money on their "intel" and
can't live with the idea of it being worthless?
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