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Re: [Full-Disclosure] IE now on-topic
- To: Valdis.Kletnieks@xxxxxx
- Subject: Re: [Full-Disclosure] IE now on-topic
- From: Andrew Latham <lathama@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Tue, 20 Jul 2004 12:36:06 -0700 (PDT)
On topic now.....
What would be the defining parts of a black hat for a sys/net/etc admin to
1. Boredom - more brains than hobbies
2. Needs
- burstable bandwidth - downloads
- knowledge
- bragin rights
3. Challenges
4. Other
Please expand on these so we can classify what it is that makes a blackhat
other than M$ and or FUD.
--- Valdis.Kletnieks@xxxxxx wrote:
> On Tue, 20 Jul 2004 10:12:30 PDT, Cory Crawford said:
> >What's interesting is how many jackasses are out there defending these guys
> What's interesting is people who can't identify the difference between
> "defending" and "understanding". And if you paid attention, I never said we
> don't do Bad Things ourselves - "they're not that different than us" cuts
> *both* ways.....
> To make it on-topic - if you're trying to do security, you have to
> *understand*
> your opponent. You don't have to defend a black-hat's mindset - but you're
> pretty well screwed trying to stop a black hat if you don't have at least a
> clue of what the black hat's motivations are.
> Similarly, if you base your defences against suicide bombers on the theory
> that
> they're all poor, uneducated, and suicidal, you won't do a very good job in
> stopping the majority of them that are intelligent and well-educated and
> motivated
> to reclaim their country.
> Remember the "Afghani freedom fighters" that we funded to get the Soviets out
> of Afghanistan? Yep.. that's where al Quada came from. And it's foolish on
> our part to call them "freedom fighters" when they're trying to throw *our*
> enemy (the Soviets) out of *their* country, and then be upset when they're
> trying to throw *us* out of *their* country... Failure on our part to
> understand that - in the terrorist's view - they're just as morally justified
> as the French Resistance was during World War II, and for the same reasons
> (removing morally reprehensible invaders from your own country), merely
> guarantees that we can't "win" that war..
> > Where's the outrage of the slavery and rape being condone by governments in
> > Africa, India, and other countries? You should really try thinking on your
> own
> > and doing research in more places than your political wacko websites and
> movies
> > by insane conspiracy theorists.
> You're making the extremely dubious assumption that just because the outrage
> isn't on this list, that it doesn't exist. Remember, the "designated protest
> zone"
> is several blocks over, where nobody can see it... :)
> The news regarding the military history of the recently surrendered terrorist
> and the loss of GW Bush's military records were both carried on CNN and other
> major news services. I *will* however admit that pointing out the
> juxtaposition of the two was due to that "political wacko conspiracy
> theorist"
> Jay Leno...
> > Your ignorance and hate of yourselves and human beings in general is worse
> > than stupid. It's pitful.
> What's *really* pitiful is your typing that in response to my posting, which
> was attempting to dispel ignorance.....
> > One day you will learn this and it'll be likely that this lesson will be
> > learned as those whom you praise are blowing your stupid butts to oblivion.
> It's far more likely that my butt will be blown to oblivion due to my failure
> to
> *understand* my opponent, than due to my non-existent attempt to praise them.
> And that's why I make an attempt to *understand* the adversary...
> ATTACHMENT part 2 application/pgp-signature
Andrew Latham AKA: LATHAMA (lay-th-ham-eh) - LATHAMA.COM
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